

PUA Words&Phrases
AMOG/AMOGING field-report 8

Also, what's interesting here, is that my main goal in this set is to get social proof in front of the hot hot hot bartender. She's the one I really want. The HB in my set is pretty cute also, but the bartender stands out more. She's looking over on my set, with great interest. She's coming over and sitting near me all the time, giving me proximity-IOIs. I have conveyed a lot of personality to her, obliquely, as she has watched this set.

Also of note, is that every time that the HB from the set that I am gaming turns to her set to talk to them, I turn my back on them back to the guy that I came with. I ignore them, as if the set is done. Each time, she will tap me on the shoulder and beg me to talk to her more. I ignore her taps, and keep talking to my friend. I don't even stopping mid sentence to acknowledge her, but rather pretending I'm not noticing her tapping my shoulder and yelling at me, until she practically jumps on me to get my attention. Then I'll turn around and give her more treats.

I do massive comfort building, and build commonalities. We're holding hands, and she's squeezing. I build comfort and commonality for around twenty minutes.

Then her friends drag her away to a seat about 15 feet away. My friend tells me that she's looking over constantly. She comes over and gets drinks and jumps on me, every five minutes. I ignore her, and she keeps going for my attention. The AMOG is looking over, glaring, and the boyfriend is clueless because he wasn't there earlier to see what was happening.

I tell her that I want to hang with her, but that I can't because she's from Perth (elastic band disqualification, instead of saying she's "drunk" like I normally do, I use geography). She qualifies herself to me that her parents are rich and own 5 houses, and that she has a whirlpool in one of them and that I can come over tomorrow and have a whirlpool with her.

I'm like "Cool", and then turn my back on her. This makes no sense, but I do this often when girls offer me their #. 
If I know it's FULLY ON, then I'll make THEM work to try to bring up ways to make me take their #, and sit back and laugh inside as I watch them trying to bring it up cleverly as if it were natural. It's so funny to watch, because it's just like what guys do to girls, and it's so f*cking transparent that it just shows me that it's impossible to cover up.
My plan at this point, is to say "Ask the bartender for a pen, to give me your #."

What I'm doing here is getting her to ask for the pen, and do all the work, like a little puppydog, right in front of the bartender. 
Then, I follow up by gaming the bartender, and at some point I'll say that the girl who gave me her # is weird, and that I'm not calling her. The reason for this, is that you have only 5-7 minutes to game the bartender, and you want max-value going in. So the game is to get value obliquely first, and then just engage her long enough to qualify her quickly, and take her # for later or set a meet for after hours.

Unfortunately, JUST as I am about to run the standard bartender tactic that I always use, her friends come over and drag her to the dance floor. She asks us to come, and we pretend not to hear her. She comes back from the floor every 5 minutes, trying to talk to me.

AMOG/AMOGING field-report 8









stand out/突出する、浮き出る、目立つ、卓越する、際立つ
proximity/[prɑksíməti]プロクシミティ/名詞/近いこと、近接/Lv.2 >proximal/[prɑ́ksiməl] プロクスィマル/形容詞/基部(中心)に近い、隣接した、近接した/Lv.3/proxy/[prɑ́ksi]プロクスィ/名詞/代理、代理権、委任状、代理人、代用物、代用品、〔株主総会などの〕代理投票(委任状)、株主代理権行使/Lv.3
obliquely/ァブリックリ/副詞/斜めに、遠回しに、不正に/Lv.3 < oblique/[əblíːk]アブリーク/形容詞、名詞、動詞/傾いた(もの)、斜めの、遠回しの、曖昧な、間違った、不正な、曲がった、斜格の、斜の、左右で形や長さが異なる/Lv.3
mid/[míd] ミッドゥ/形容詞/ 中間にある、真ん中の、中央の、中間の/Lv.3/midday/[míddèi] ミッドディ/名詞/正午(前後)、真昼、白昼/Lv.1
glare /[glέər]グレア/動詞/キラキラ光る(輝く)、ギラギラ光る、目立つ、にらみ付ける、ギラギラする光、ギラギラ光ること、まぶしい光、まぶしい輝き、まぶしさ、グレア、目立つこと、にらみ付ける視線、にらみ /Lv.2
elastic band/輪ゴム、伸縮性のある素材のバンド

cover up/隠す隠す、覆う、着こむ、裏工作をする、取り繕う、かばう、ごまかす/undercover /[ʌ̀ndərkʌ́vər]アンダーカヴァ/形容詞、副詞、名詞/秘密の、内密の、スパイ活動の、正体を隠して、覆面で、覆面(隠密)捜査官/Lv.3
after hours/仕事が終わった後に(で)、勤務時間後に、営業時間終了後に、閉店後に、放課後に

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