

​"DHV Story" line 
"DHV" (Demonstrate Higher Value) is a kind of routine to casually pass on to the HB, ​saying "DHV Story" to her.
​This is the most important issue in "ACS Model" at "Attraction Phase". 
​This technique is mainly used to attract HBs in "Attraction Phase" or "Comfort - Building Phase", to present "DHV", but it can also be used on e-mails/SNS.

​Notes on "DHV Story"
​"DHV Story" is about attracting deals. ​It doesn't have to be an outright touching story. By talking blatantly moving stories and boastful stories, HB think that ​"this man is trying to make a good impression on me", ​if that is true or not. ​Be careful not to fall into "DLV" or (Demonstrate Lower Value).

​Rules for "DHV Story"
​The "DHV Story" should be based on the following 4 rules:
​① A story that is entertaining and interesting and attracts the attention of a group.
​② A story based on actual experiences involving facts at least in part.
​③ A story that casually conveys one's individuality and characteristics that attract women.
​>Like children, cherish friends, have qualifications, can play the piano. ​etc.
​④ It is necessary to describe in detail and politely the expression of one's feelings and the characteristics of the person.
​>When women listen, they focus more on the feelings and emotions caused by experience than on the facts.
​It is easier to understand if it is expressed in detail and carefully as in the following example sentences.
"I once picked up a dog on the street and raised it."
​PUA: When I was in the third grade of elementary school, a Shiba puppy was thrown away in a brown cardboard box on my way to school.
​He was so cute that I carried him home without thinking.
​My parents were surprised, but I promised them to study hard.
​The three of us agreed to have the puppy, so we came up with a name for it. ​

​Examples of "DHV Story"
​PUA "I gave my sister, who likes Disney, a stuffed toy of Kimetsu(or kitty) as a Christmas present, and she said, "Ki- is not Disney!"
​I was scolded that. ​(Laughter) "
​>As a story of his failure, he casually expressed his affection for his family.

​PUA : "A friend of my ex-girlfriend confessed to me three days ago.
​She said, "I want you to go out with me." but I turned her down.
​And she said, "Please do not say anything about what I confessed to me(My Name) to her(Name of the ex-girlfriend)."
​I really didn't tell anyone.
​But when I ran into my ex-girlfriend a little while ago, she found out that her best friend had confessed to me.
​I'm really confused now... what's going on? ​
​>As a strange experience, it tells his "Pre-selection" to her.

​PUA: "Do you have any personal belongings that you care about? Because of my job, I often go abroad, so I buy new suitcases every year."
​>While asking questions, he tells them that he often goes abroad and has the financial power to buy suitcases every year.

​PUA: When I was a student, I volunteered at an orphanage.
​At first, I was worried if I could get along with everyone.
​I tried to speak from the same viewpoint as children, and I was able to open up. ​​
> As an experience that he was worried about, he told her casually that he liked children.

​"DHV Story" has become a technique that can be called the core of "ACS Model" and without using "DHV Story"
​In many cases, it becomes difficult to present "DHV" and (Demonstrate Higher Value).
​① A dream for the future and the events leading up to it.
​② What I'm trying. ​Or what I used to do.
​③ A story about being helped by a friend. ​Or the story of helping a friend.
​④ The story of playing with children. ​Or a story about giving something to a child.
​⑤ The story told by a girl. ​Or a former girlfriend.
​⑥ What I did for my parents. ​Or what I did to my brother.

​"Marriage partner hunting" opener
​PUA : "Good evening. ​Are there always so many men here? ​TO TELL THE TRUTH, I (and my friends) CAME HERE TODAY FOR A MARRIAGE partner hunting FESTIVAL ...
​I thought the male/female ratio was totally distorted. "
​HB: "What? Marriage partner hunting? (Laughter)"
​PUA: "Right. My friend told me that if I wanted to get married, this place would be good. Anyway, could you tell me three dishes that you are very good at cooking? (Laughter)"

​A humorous direct opener. ​It is relatively easy to use even for pick-up beginners. ​When using this opener, you should be aware of the image of teasing women, Teaseneg.
​After a woman answers 3 of her dishes, we can invoke "(Fake) chemistry is the worst."
​"(Fake) chemistry is the worst." is ... a line used mainly in "Attraction Phase" ("ACS Model") ​to the woman who spoke to us.
​By saying, "We can't get along/do it well."​
This is a technique to soften the hostility of women and the whole group while presenting "DHV" (Demonstrate Higher Value).
​Why I Use "(Fake) our chemistry is the worst?" ​to the women I picked up?
​To say, "We can't get along well." ,we show ​"IOD" (Indicator Of Disinterest: no attraction sign) .
​The objective is mitigating hostility among women and the group as a whole. It is the same as "Neg".
​For women with high "striking value" and "Hired Guns",
​this kind of provocative "No attraction sign" creates a powerful force of persuasion that ​"This man is not just a pick-up junky guy."
​Line from "(Fake) chemistry is the worst."
​PUA: "We're not gonna make it."
​PUA: "I knew at once that I couldn't get along with you."
​PUA: "You're fired. You don't have to come tomorrow."
​PUA: "You're too good a girl for me.", ​"Look, that man over there will look good on you.​"
​PUA: "We're the end. ​Let's break up. ​Please return the CD quickly.​"
​PUA: "Are you a nurse?, ​Oh, my God, I can't even talk to you.​"
​PUA: "The exit is that way."

​Another example
​PUA: "Hey, what's your specialty?"
​PUA: "Eh? ​Sunny-side up? ​I knew right away that I couldn't get along with you. ​The exit is that way. "

​PUA: "What's your hobby?"
HB: "I don't have any hobbies these days."
​PUA: "You're too good a girl for me. ​Look, that man over there will look good on you.​"
HB: "I'm a nurse."
​PUA: "Are you a nurse? ​WHAT THE HELL!!, ​I wouldn't look at you. ​I can't even approach you or talk to you.​"


​「DHV」 (より高い価値を実証すること)は、「DHVストーリー」をHBに伝えるためののルーティーン。
​これは「ACSモデル」 「引き付けフェーズ (Attraction Phase)」の最重要課題と言える。
​この手法は、主に「アトラクションフェーズ 」や「コンフォート・ビルディングフェーズ」でのHBの取り込みや「DHV」の提示に利用されるものであるが、電子メールやSNSでの利用も可能である。



​PUA :「ディズニー好きの妹に鬼滅のぬいぐるみをクリスマスにプレゼントしたらにプレゼントしたら、」 鬼滅はDisneyではない!​ってしかられた。​(笑) 」

​PUA :「3日前、元カノの友達から告白された。​「私と付き合ってほしい。」と言われたが、断った。​彼女は「私が告白したこと(自分に)を彼女(元彼女の名前〇〇)に言わないで」と言った。​私は本当に誰にも言わなかった。




​PUA 「こんばんは。​ここにはいつもこんなにたくさんの男性がいるの? ​実は今日(私と友人)は、結婚相手探しに、お祭りに来たんだ...でも、​男女比は完全に歪んでいると思った。​」
​HB:「何? 結婚相手探し?(笑)」
​PUA 「そうだよ。友達は私に、結婚したいならここがいいと言ったんだ。ところで、君の得意な料理を3つ教えてくれる?(笑)」



​「相性最悪」は私たちに話しかけてきた女性への「アトラクションフェーズ 」 (「ACSモデル」)で主に使われる台詞である。
​「私たちはうまくやっていけないなぁ」と言い、​「DHV」 (より高い価値の実証)を提示しながら、女性やグループ全体の敵意を和らげる(単なるナンパ目的ではないかという緊張を和らげる)手法と言える。

​「私たちはうまくやっていけない。」と言うために、「IOD」 (無関心:引き付けられていない)ということを示す。


​PUA:「看護師さん? なんてことなんだ! あなたと話すこともできない」

​「え?​目玉焼き? あなたとうまくやっていけないとすぐに分かった。​出口はあっちだよ。」

​PUA :「あなたは私にはもったいない女の子だ。​ほら、あそこにいる男性があなたに似合うよ。​」

​HB 「私は看護師」
​​PUA :「看護師さん?なんだ!!​私はあなたを見ることもできない。​私はあなたにアプローチすることも話すこともできないよ。​」

stuffed toy/ぬいぐるみのおもちゃ
volleyball/[vɑ́libɔ̀l ]ヴァリボル/名詞/バレーボール、バレーボール用のボール/Lv.0
orphanage/[ɔ́ːfənidʒ]オーファニジ/名詞/児童養護施/設/Lv.3/orphan/[ɔ́rfn] オーファン/名詞/孤児(の)、親のない(人)、親をなくした(人)、オーファン(の)、孤立行(の)、~を孤児にする、~の親を失わせる/Lv.1
junky = junkie/マリフアナ使用者、麻薬常習者、麻薬中毒者、病みつきになっている人、取りつかれた人、熱狂的ファン、~気違い、~狂い
fried egg/目玉焼き、卵焼き、ペチャパイ、ぺたんこの胸
sunny-side up/片面だけ焼いた、目玉焼き(の)
reimburse/[rìimbə́rs] リイムバァス/動詞/払い戻す、人に返金する、清算する、賠償・補償する/Lv.3
cursor/[kə́ːrsər] カーサ(ァ)/名詞/カーソル(文字入力・マウスの位置を示すポインタ)、線を引いたガラス板/Lv.1



"Your Beautiful Friend", Neg.
​PUA : "Hey, are you here alone?"
​HB7 : "I'm here with my friend."
​PUA: "Where are your friends?
​If your friend were beautiful, introduce her to me.(Laughter) "

​PUA : "Hey, are you here alone?"
​HB7: "Yes."
​PUA : "That's too bad.
​If your friend was beautiful, I wanted you to introduce her to me. (Laughter) "

​"Men's make-up"
​PUA : "I know it's sudden, but could you tell me the opinion of a girl?
​Recently, a friend of mine started putting on make-up though he is a man.
​Do you think men's make-up is okay or not okay? ​"
​HB 8: "Yeah ..."
​*Opinions are different by HBs, but I agree with them with a smile or point out contradictions.

​PUA: "Actually, I'm meeting my friend here at 8 o'clock, but I haven't heard from him yet (laughter).
​If you were in the same situation as me, how long could you wait for friends? "
​HB8: "Yeah. If I were ..."

​「友達はどこ? ​もしあなたの友達が美人なら、紹介してよ​(笑) 。」

​PUA: 「それは残念。​もしあなたの友達が美人なら、私に紹介してほしかった​(笑) 。」

​PUA:「突然だと思うけど、女の子の意見を聞かせてくれない? ​最近、私の友人が男性なのに化粧を始めたんだ。​あなたは、男性の化粧品はアリだと考える方?ナシだと思う方?​」

​PUA:「実は8時にその友達と会うんだけど、まだ連絡が全くないんだ (笑) 。君が私と同じ状況だったら、友達をどれくらい待つことができる?​」
​HB 8:「うん。もし私なら...」




Be careful if a woman starts tinkering with the edge of a necklace or clothing, or tapping with her feet or fingers. ​It's sign of boring.
​Many men are timid and beautiful women are tired of being treated specially. ​Because she is beautiful, but that doesn't mean she has a bad personality and we never get tired of her in three days. ​Go ahead. 
​On the contrary, good-looking guys, she get bored in three days. Many woman knows that.
​The woman wants us to look her in the eyes and talk to her.
​Have a fancy goods that looks feminine and it would attract HBs. ​Colorful things are also good.
​Women feel more secure when they are talked to confirm our plans and dating schedules many times.
​If we want to get close, you can go to a dark, close, narrow place.
​Women who like fortune-telling, tell their fortunes.






​Suddenly she starts to talk about sex (intermediate test)
​This is a common mid-term exam, so be careful not to make us feel perverted, and ask questions in a way that makes us feel that we have a strong curiosity about eroticism and intellectual curiosity, and let the woman talk comfortably.

​Women don't like men who lack sex talent, skill and make themselves an outlet for sex. But on the other hand, they like men who have a strong intellectual curiosity about sex and a spirit of service and make themselves feel good. ​The essence of physical chemistry is "service to others".
​On a dating, when a girl suddenly starts talking about this kind of sex story, it's a typical mid-term exam, and we just watch carefully how she responds. ​If we turn things around, there's a high possibility that we could have sex with her.

​What? ​Are you sure we don't do anything? ​(final test)
​"Are you sure we don't do anything?"
​"I'll never do anything with such a flirtatious person! You'll never do it all right?"
​"You do this to all kinds of women, don't you?"
​"Everybody says so. Tomorrow, you don't remember, do you?"
​In order not to conceive a child of a man who has a weak male gene, or goes somewhere after making a child, a final exam is held toward the end of the goal.
Of course, this is instinctive, and we need to lead women, including that now with proper use of condoms, the risk of pregnancy is almost zero, making it a meaningless resistance.
​The above sign says "Don't push me. Don't push me." reminiscent of the Ostrich(Dacho) Club(comedians). It is a sign that a character will go sex(like a death flag). So, shoot it .

​"What? Are you sure you don't do anything?" This is a sign that the iron plate(sure thing) of OK. ​I've never had a problem with this sign.
​In the case of the test, in which a girl makes a lot of noise before having sex, for a player of a certain level, this is like a routine work or a kanji letter drill in elementary school. ​Well, it's the plot has been used many many times like the same old story, so let's spend time to talk with her and she thanks us.

​I'm having my period today. (final test)
​It is common for women to resist at the end of a term even though they have been to a love hotel or home. ​For this reason, let's say "I like it. A kind of mystery of life", "I'LL PUT A BATH TOWEL ON IT." and "You can take a shower." in a good way.

​If she is already our girlfriend or a sex friend, we don't have to go out of our way to do it during her period, but if she is new to us, if we have the chance, it's basic to force ourselves into it even during her period. ​Because girls have a perplexing habit of flunking men who can't take the first big chance, anyway, whatever happens.

​I think I understand that there are so many different types of tests that a woman gives us with attraction or complaints or somewhat resistance sign. ​Please try to have sex bravely by understanding the true and instinctive intention of the woman who imposes these signs and tests.
​Girls in S class and A class often intentionally make  signs to see what the man will think and go. ​This is a typical "grass(KUSA)" test, and if we get stuck here, thinking she shows IOIs,  we are wrong. ​The correct answer is to dodge them and put another dismiss. She is trying to figure out if he's Alphamale and he isn't only wanting sex, or if it's the ordinary kind of guy out there who doesn't have sex(AFC).

​Many people misunderstand it because men cannot be satisfied unless they ejaculate. But women can be satisfied just by checking that the man is desperately trying to have sex with them. ​She was able to clear these low level guy easily, so she is just going to look for a higher level man.

​At the cram school where I worked part-time job when I was a student, a respected teacher always said to my students like this,
​"Take a mock(rehearsal) exam as if it is a real entrance exam, take a real exam as if a mock exam.

​I think this also is an important attitude in love. ​Always treat B class girls you've already got as new S class or A class. ​And when you play against the S class, you have to think of it as a B class that you can easily play with the same routine.
​Good Luck!



これは鉄板(確かなこと) OKのサインだ。今までこの返答を得てから、何か問題が発生することは全くなかった。




​SクラスやAクラスの女の子は、男性の考えや行動を見るためにわざとサインを出すことが多い。​これは典型的な「草 (KUSA)」テストであり、ここで立ち往生して彼女がIOIを示していると思ったら、それは間違いだ。​正しい答えは、それらをかわし、または却下することだ。​彼女は、彼がアルファ・メールなのか、彼がセックスをしたいだけなのか、それともセックスの足りない普通の男なのか (AFC) を知ろうとしている。


inlet/[ínlèt ]インレット/動詞、名詞/入り江、注入口、吸気口、はめ込む、差し込む、注入する/Lv.3
cram school/学習塾、予備校
smock/[smɑk ]スマク/名詞、動詞 /上っぱり、スモック、作業服、仕事着、スモックを着せる、~を刺しゅうで飾る/Lv.3/




​Sign of a passive attraction
​She says "I also want to drink, but my friend also said that she would go home ..."
​She wouldn't take a taxi. (be the last two, after a drink by several people)
​Keep close to us, face or body
​I think we will often encounter a situation where we wait and see "What do we do now?" after a group of people drink and leave the store, but unlike a typical sign, what the woman says here often gives a passive sign.

​In this situation, "I still want to drink, but my friend ..." is a sign of passive attraction, so let's forcibly miss the last train by using a convenience store. ​And I will have other people take a taxi.

​If she waits here until the last two, you will have it.

​Detective Colombo sometimes reveals the culprit by focusing on who did what and who didn't what and when. ​We, love players, have to pay attention not only to what she did, but also to what she didn't do.
​In other words, the passive sign, or subtle sign, is sometimes very important because she stays there when her friend tries to go somewhere, she doesn't do anything, or something happens and two gets too close to each other, or she don't move away her hand when we touch our hands.

​This is because many women don't give you typical  obvious signs, but the passive sign is often the only key to getting to the next stage. ​This time, there was a passive sign that she didn't try to take a taxi first.

​If you miss the most important passive sign, it is a really painful mistake.
​I feel that the key to opening the door to sex is to catch the feelings that girls cannot express in their own words, but that they want to be understood by us.

​Even if the sign is only our misunderstanding, if it's not good for her, we can just go to the next HB. So we should Pick-Up the sign with full swing rather than taking a risk of missing a strike out.

​Handhold Check (hand test)
​I think the first place to touch a woman is by a hand. ​If we can't touch it, we can't expect to be able to caress the chest or other sexual parts. ​By the way, there is a recommended timing for handhold check.
​That is to make it quickly when we leave the shop. ​If it's on the second floor or in the basement, we can show consideration of the stairs and it's like kill two birds with one stone. ​Even on the first floor, grab it quickly and check the woman's temperature there. 
​If it doesn't work here, we can go to the second restaurant.
​By the way, when we leave the restaurant, say "Is it okay if you don't go to the bathroom?" and show our kindness (concern), and when I finish paying, it gives a smart and good impression. ​With this, the pass rate(possibility) of the hand test will increase greatly.

​After checking one or two signs, shoot! ​I think something like that is good. ​Then how can I tell the sign ? ​I think there is such an implication, but one criterion is "hand test" after all.

​If we hold hands and keep connected, as they are, we can think that it is a sign. ​So if we can kiss to the girl or  if we invite her to a hotel or your house, there is a 70% probability that we will be able to reach the goal.

​"I'll stay at a friend's house nearby, so thank you for that."(intermediate test)
​There are many cases where she says something when she is alone after the last train. ​However, as this is a often mid-term test to determine whether the male gene is weak or not, let's take a taxi with her and ship her to her home with "I'll give you a ride.".

​"Do you really like me? ​​"(intermediate test)
​The model answer is already well-known, "What do you think?". 
​This is because it makes it easier to stand on the top by commenting that if she says "charai", we say "you are not good at looking at things", and if she says something not like that, we say "you are good at looking at things."
​I think it is a phase to attack her even more aggressively. I press "Then you shouldn't do that with me. To be honest, I'm the kind of guy whom your mom and friends don't want you to go out with." at this timing. 
Such words often make her get wet and strangely we are often get her.

​It is good to anticipate in advance that women's needs for honest men, and to tell a story that we are looking for someone who we really want to go out with instead of just having fun, from the beginning.
But when women has been trying to keep us in check, and we end up saying things like "It's not a game." or  "I am also looking for a serious partner.", things don't go well. ​First of all, it doesn't give us credibility, and it gives her our feeling of flattering only to aim to have sex with a woman.







​ところで、店を出るときに「トイレに行かなくても大丈夫?」と言って、私たちの優しさ (気遣い) を表しつつ、支払いが終わればスマートで好印象だ。​これにより、ハンドテストの合格率 (可能性) が大きく向上する。

​1、2回サインをチェックしてからシュートを打とう!​ そういうのがいいと思われる。​では、どうやってサインがわかるのか?​その意味合いとしても、やはり一つの基準は「ハンドテスト」ということだ。

​「近くの友人宅に泊まりますので。ありがとう。」 (中間試験)

​「あなたは本当に私のことが好きなの?」 (中間試験)


tax/[tǽks] タックス/名詞/税金、税、負担、重荷、~に課税する、請求する、(人)に重い負担をかける、~を非難する、~を責める/Lv.0




​Women show men various signs of their intention(attracted, be flirted, interested), and we have to respond appropriately to those signs. ​If we don't take the test without bravery, we will be recognized as a weak male.

​As evidenced by evolutionary biology, it is natural for women to test men. ​However, no matter how much we understand the reason, it will be difficult to respond if we don't know the various tests that we will be asked to take.

​Here's a summary of the test questions that women will ask us to answer in midterm and final exams. ​It is the same here that those who mastered the past exam questions win the next test.

​If it is a sign of attraction, so we can have sex if we attack her. We can't have sex if we miss it.
​If it is not a sign of attraction , you may or may not be able to have sex if you attack her. ​ But if we don't do anything, of course we can't have sex.

​In other words, if you act as if it's always a sign of a attraction, you get sometimes somethings and lose nothing. ​If you can't tell or get lost, please interpret that she always likes me. ​This is the basic principle.

​Typical signs
​1 Mirroring (Similar in gestures and speech and action and more in tune with or sympathy)
​2 Non-verbal information (Eye lines, lips, distance, expression)
​3 Get physical contact and body contact
​4 Tell about her past love affairs and complaints
​5 She tells us a secret she won't tell anyone else

​Women give various signs. ​If we're not careful, we'll miss some difficult signs, but if she is interested in or attracted to a man, there are often typical signs.

​Therefore, if we observe women with these five points in mind, we can be sure that we have right signs. ​Once we see these signs, we can assume that the rapport is formed and shift to the S-phase of the ACS model.
Such as chucking at a boring joke, trying to liven up a conversation, making her eyes wet, touching your body, and not resisting touching her body are all OK signs.

​There are a lot of things that can go wrong if we miss the OK sign. But even if we mistakenly think that it's an OK sign, our behavior will just be used as a conversational topic at a girls' party, and there's no real harm and it's quite common. 
So if we go up to drinking 1 on 1, we basically have the mindset that everything is OK. 

​Also, the sign of a passive, subtle attraction is important.













​What is a test that a woman gives us, a sign of good will and no attraction?

​During a date or conversation, women ask us to take various tests to determine "Is this man worth dating and having sex with?" ​By passing each of these tests, we men can only move on to the next step.

​This is a sign of the "possibly attracted or interested". ​because no such test is given to a man without no chance or hope. ​However, if you don't notice this sign of  "her type" or "possible lover"  and pass the test, women's feelings will suddenly cool down.

​So, in this article, I'd like to introduce various signs and tests that we are required to pass the various kinds of signs by a woman, midterm tests, final tests that women are required for us to pass.

​In the romance market, handsome and rich men have an advantage, but they don't necessarily have sex because of these tests.
​Girls use the common criteria like a college entrance exams for the degree of being handsome and rich, but the final decision on whether to open their legs is determined by the results of this test.

​Ultimately, a player who knows how to pass this test is more likely to have sex than a handsome guy or a rich guy.

​Why Women Ask this Favorite Sign Test?
​・She don't want to have unreliable male's children,
​because he doesn't take care of offspring. 
・Men with weak male genes, too.
​First of all, we need to know why women ask for different tests. ​It's because, evolutionarily and biologically, it's a high risk for a woman to conceive a weak male gene or a child of a man with whom she has no trust.
​Therefore, the important path to sex is to remove the fear of high risk that women feel and build good trusting relationships (rapport formation), and also to break down women's formal complaints somewhat forcefully by sensing where to push.

​When a woman is forced to get pregnant and run away by a man, she face difficulties. So, she has this instinct to choose a man carefully in order to avoid that type of man. ​This is why "TEST" "Complaints" and "final resistance" are done.
​By the way, in overseas pick-up communities, the test that women give men (If the answer is correct, the next step is taken. If the answer is incorrect, the door to sex is suddenly closed.) seems to be called the shit Test, as dating language. ​The direct translation of this is the "feces test".




​これは「おそらく何か引き付けられている、または興味を持っている」の印と言える。​なぜなら、このような検査は、機会も望みもない男には行われないからだ。​しかし、この「彼女のタイプ」 「恋人候補」のサインに気付かず、試験に受からないと、女性の気持ちは急に冷めてしまう。



彼女たちの「TEST」 「不平不満」 「最終の抵抗」は主にこのためだ。
​ところで、海外のサージングコミュニティでは、女性が男性に与えるテスト(答えが正しければ、次のステップに進む。答えが正しくなければ、セックスへの扉は突然閉ざされる)を、デート用語としてShit testと呼んでいるようだ。​これを直訳すると「くそテスト」である。

good will /善良な、善意から出た
midweek/[mídwìːk] ミッドウイーク/ 名詞 / 週の中頃、週の真ん中/Lv.3



​7 Checklists to Determine "Ageman" girl
1.Have a lot of smiles
​Just looking at a smile makes us feel happy. ​There is a good scientific basis for this. ​There is a cell called "mirror neuron" in the brain, and it has a function to read and empathize with human emotions. ​So, when the other person is smiling, our mood becomes bright and happy.

​2.Set a man free
​If a man is bound or nagged by a women like a mother does, he will feel bad. ​Women who restrict our activities, such as drinking parties, playing with friends, or going on business trips, can be a drag on men.
​A little bit of Yakimochi(jealousy) may be cute, but it is "Ageman" that is a woman who firmly trusts a man, respects what he wants to do, and lets him do what he wants.

​"Ageman" doesn't expect anything in return, but keeps giving everything to the man.
​It could be thoughtfulness, cleaning, cooking, or a little gift. ​Such free love makes people bigger.

​On the other hand, "I did it for you, so you did it me too (or more)." is an idea to steal from others. ​Time and money will be stolen more and more. ​We can't have a good relationship.

​4.Positive thinking
​"Ageman" can think positively. She doesn't often say negative things or complain. She feels positive when she is with us. ​She also encourages us saying "It'll work out. ​I'm your best friend."

​It makes us happy and motivates us. ​It also gives us confidence. ​"Ageman" is a woman who naturally does that. ​The ability to praise is essential to a man's success. ​On the other hand, if she denies everything, or says no, our power will only weaken.

​6.Say what one needs to say...
​It's not just positive praise. ​We should appreciate a woman who says what have to say. ​Even in this case, instead of just saying no, the woman who stands up and says "You'll be better!" is Ageman. ​
In such a case, we will grow bigger.

​"Ageman" is single-minded and passionate. ​That alone gives men confidence. With an easy woman who seems to leave soon, we can't relax. ​If we have a woman who we believe will not cheat on, we can concentrate on our work and have the energy to try new things.

​"Love"  is wonderful!
​I think you understand how wonderful Ageman is and what kind of woman is Ageman. ​Great men have perfected only with the support of women. ​Be sure to check out "Is this woman Ageman?" when choosing her. ​She will be our strongest ally in our success.

​But of course, we remember, she has the right to choose men! ​She is not interested in helpless men!
​We have to be a "suitable man" to be chosen by such a 'Ageman' woman. ​It's like, "an aspiring man".
​In order to get "Ageman", let's do our best to become more attractive and appealing and to women and also all the people.
​She always sees potential in men who think "Grow up!" and always stays close to them.
​We can improve our appearance, develop skills, or achieve results at work. ​Please choose one right now and start to improve it. ​That's the first step to getting Ageman and perfecting your life.

​7 「あげまん」の判定チェックリスト








​ただし、もちろん覚えておくべきなのは、彼女にも男性を選ぶ権利があるということ!​ 彼女は無力な男には興味がない!

drag on/ダラダラ長引く、延々と続く、時間がかかる



Ageman / a-ge-man
​Have you ever heard the word "Ageman"?

​I think that cute face and good style are important factors in choosing her and it is of course.
​However, if I am going to go out with them anyway, I would like to go out with whom  "Se will raise the man." a.k.a Ageman. ​
Today, I would like to talk about the key points to identify such "Ageman."

​First of all, as for the meaning of the word, "ageman" means a woman who brings luck to men. ​It is a person who has a good influence on the man she go out with, she makes us grow, and leads us to success.
​The word "Ageman" in is a variation of the word "ma" which means good luck and flow. ​It has nothing to do with female genitalia man...。
​As a man, I am very thankful to hear this. Don't you think she is a very good woman!?

​Naturally succeed
​Have you ever spent time with her and felt the following?
​・Being together makes me feel better (in many ways)
​・Feel confident in being with
​・Get motivated
​・Become at peace
​Maybe that girl is "Ageman".

​Spending time with "Ageman" makes us feel cheerful and positive, and motivates us to do our best.

​You can focus on what you have to do and work because you don't have to worry about her. ​When a man hits a wall, she listens to him, encourages him and always stands by him...

​Why don't we have such a woman beside us? ​Such men are positive and will always be motivated to move forward with MAX power. ​I feel confident and can do anything. ​We may want to unify the whole country.

​We don't have to be conscious that "I have to do it..." or so, and unconsciously make an effort to achieve success. ​Men are very influenced by women around them. ​Both good and bad effects.

​To take a bad example, if we feel "Recently(after dating her) the condition is not good...", maybe she is a Sageman(downer).

​She is cute and has a good figure, but she is too selfish to be restrained. ​She always keeps in touch with other men and we can't relax.
We can't concentrate on our work because we are always worried, and we don't feel like we are making progress. ​And if we take our eyes off for a moment, she could be cutting her wrists... (Oh, like a my ex-girlfriend did...)

​With a girlfriend like this, we can't live our life because we are always under negative control. ​In addition, the more we work on her of the little child, the more we feel that she is cute, so we can't judge calmly or cut her. We fall down slowly...

​The important thing here is that "be influenced unconsciously". ​We will be greatly influenced without knowing it. ​If we want to be positively influenced, we need to judge the situation objectively and identify the "ageman".

​Then, exactly what kind of women are "agemans"?
​Let's look at seven checklists.







​いつも心配で仕事に集中できず、なかなか上達しない。​ちょっと目を離すと、手首を切っているかも... (私の元カノのように...)




female genitalia(genitals) 女性器
/= ax (axe) wound、bag、beaver、beef curtains、cassava、cockpit、cunt、hair (hairy) pie、hole、lower lips、jelly roll、private place、pussy、sausage-grinder
filial/[fíliəl] フィリアル/形容詞/こどもの、子どもとしてふさわしい、子・子孫という関係がある、~世代の/Lv.2




​"Pre-selection" (Preselection) comes from the idea that women place importance on "How popular (among other women) is the man?".
​"already chosen by other women"
​= "Pre-selection" (preselection).

Mechanism of "Pre-selection"
​For example, a male grouse cannot attract a female if it is alone. ​However, when a stuffed female is placed close to a male, another female immediately enters the male's territory and attempts to mate.
​In the same way, if a woman sees a man as "This man seems attractive to other women as the opposite sex." she may immediately be attracted to him. ​
Showing women that "There are other women who care about themselves." is "Pre-selection" (preselection) 
That is considered "DHV" (Demonstrate Higher Value).

A concrete way of showing that "Pre-selection"
1. I show it to a woman who I want to sarge, talking to another woman on the field. 
To be specific, open it to a group of three or more women. And they enjoy talking with me.
​Show it off to women who who I want to attract.

2. Go to the field with a woman of HB7 or above (Friends, etc.). 
Basically, We should manage only HB7 or higher cases as "LTR" (Long Term Relationship).

​「事前選択」 「その男性は女性にどのくらい人気があるか?」は、女性が、他の女性の好み(の評価や人気)を大切にするという考えから生まれた。
=「事前選択」 (すでに選択さている) 。

​「事前選択」 の仕組み
​「自分のことを気にかけている女性は他にもいる。」ということは、「事前選択されている」ということを女性に示す  ことになる。(すでに選択さている)
​これは「DHV」 (より高い価値を実証)の一つだ。

​1. 私は、その場所で他の女性たちと話しているところを、私がサージングしたいと思っている女性に見せる。

​2. HB 7以上の女性(友人等)と一緒にフィールドへ出向く。
​基本的にはHB 7以上のみを自分の「LTR」 (長期的な関係)として保持すべきである。

territorial/[ tε`rətɔ́riəl]テラトリアル/形容詞/領土・土地の・に関する、地域的な、一地域の、縄張りを持つ/Lv.3
babysitter/[béibisìtər] ベイビーシタァ/名詞/ベビーシッター/Lv.2



​Japanese sarging scene 3
Gin tonic and tequila tonic. Cheers.
Chat for a while to the blonde.
I ​think while talking.
​Why did she come to this club alone?
​Did she come looking for a man?
​Did a Japanese man pick her up?
​I was a little annoyed.
​I decided to do a neg because she didn't bite me.
​As usual, I called out to another set. ​"Are you having a party or something?" Group Theory.
​She was a girl of Meiji University, now  ​job-hunting senior.
The blonde was left alone for a while. 
Fuel jealousy.
​Repeat this several times.
Dance with another girl on the dance floor.
The blond is now approaching to me.
​Neg, it's a success.
​Phase shift. ​
Hug gently. ​Hold hands. ​Dance with her.
​The dance floor livens up.
Kiss lightly.
​It worked.

We don't have to be in the club anymore.
​This is where the game begins.
PUA:​"Sorry. I'm leaving now. I have something to do."
HB7b:"Really? What should I do?"
PUA:​"There are many handsome Japanese men here, don't worry."
​HB7b:"I want you to be with me. Let me be with you."
​"What should I do?"
​Hold hands in silence and leave the club.
​I take a taxi. ​To my house.
​Arrived. ​Sparkling wine, toast.
​She was passionate.
​Go straight to bed.
​She was like a lover for a long time.


​HB 7 b:「本当なの?私はどうすればいい?」
​HB 7 b:「私と一緒にいてほしい。一緒にいさせてほしい」「どうすればいい?」




MAMU (Attentive&considerate&keep in touch, Secure, Lean on, Accept&admit)
M: Mame Attentive&considerate&keep in touch
A: Anshin Anzen It's coquetry.
M: Mamoru Lean on
U: Ukeireru Accept&admit
Women are apt to feel anxiety and have brain and body structures feels so. They just love people who give them a sense of security and affection. Please be aware of MAMU when you are in harmony with women and form rapport.

The key to giving love is quantity rather than quality. Please communicate as often as possible so that it is more effective to use an every day for 100 yen one but rather than famous shops' a high-grade toner once a week.

It may not be worth mentioning, but on the contrary, women don't like to "be left". Anxiety increases and she lose her mind.
Supporting the person she likes
Ever hear a woman say, " I'll do anything for him." or "I serve my boyfriend." This is because women are satisfied by supporting, helping and being needed. It is so-called motherhood.

Top 3 when it's easy to seduce women
Encouraging and relieving anxiety and depression
When she was concerned about the differences in physique
When a pleasant conversation continues
There are times when women fall off easily, so it's worth knowing when you're talking to a woman, so I'll introduce it here.
Encouraging and relieving anxiety and depression
Women are very anxious when they feel weak and depressed, such as when their boyfriends dump them. When a man encourages her or gives her advice in such an uneasy mental situation, she can talk to him with satisfaction.
I think this is very familiar to men who have had some romantic experiences. When her boyfriend dumped a girl I had been looking for, she suddenly agreed to go out with me. Timing is very essential for love.

When she was concerned about the differences in physique
Women tend to have less muscle and smaller bodies than men, so they are more attracted to men who have bigger muscles than them. If we let them feel the difference in their physique by superficial care such as walking as if defending them to the roadway side, they will come.

When a pleasant conversation continues
As mentioned above, it is important not to show off your intelligence, not to brag, and to listen to women's stories based on their empathy. 
At any rate, focus on one thing : how can we make a woman talk more pleasantly?
That's how the rapport is formed.

7 techniques of rapport formation
・adjust one's speech, gestures, condition, and breathing rhythm to the other person's pace
・to imitate another person (gesture, act, way of talking)
・It means to recognize the other person's mental state by signs other than language. Nonverbal information such as posture, movement, breathing, facial expression, and tone of voice. we will notice its casual change and adjust to it.
・show that someone is listening properly
・show a clear understanding of someone's story
・summarize someone's story for brain organization
Yes Set(ladder)
・It is a speech method that utilizes the law of psychology called the law of consistency. When we get a rows of positive response, they and we repeat the assertion, and then we become a person who agrees.
・(take the lead) refers to guiding HBs into the desired direction.
Double bind
・You know what? I like you so much that I want to be with you tonight.


MAMU (マメ気配りと思いやりがある、連絡を取り合い、安全で身を乗り出し守り、受け入れて認める)
​M: マメな気配りと思いやり、相手を認め、連絡を取り合う
​A: 「安心安全」 甘えること
​M: 守ってあげる
​U: 受け入れる



​言うほどのことではないかもしれないが、女性は 「放っておかれる」 ことを嫌う。​不安が増し、彼女は正気でなくなる。







​イエスセット (ラダー)
​・いい?​ 私はあなたがとても好きなので、今夜は一緒にいたいよ。わかるよね。




Empathy (Isn't it hard? You work (too) hard. theory.)

Men are problem-solving thinkers, so you may want to be kind enough to come up with a solution in a conversation with a woman, but this is not popular to them. They just think we are the creatures who don't understand the women's feelings. They think us like garbage. Anyway, we agree with her.
Our heads adapted to the hunter-gatherer era of 90,000 years before. Because of this, women feel close to and open up to the people they sympathize with. 
There's a guy who tells you that he's going to do something about a woman's complaints, but don't do it. All you have to do is wait until the woman has finished complaining and add the following words.
"You're doing great." That's all.
He nods admiringly as he hears the story and ends by saying "You're doing great.".

In fact, when I'm drinking with a woman, I only use these three phrases to communicate: "Isn't it hard?" "Isn't it harder than we think?" and "You're doing great."

A familiar story of a friend or acquaintance
Women like to talk about familiar events with friends and acquaintances. That's why there are many news programs such as gossip and gossip on the mass media during the time when housewives are watching them. If they watch celebrities every day, they feel familiar with stars.
On the other hand, when it comes to men, they talk about economics and politics, and they also have intellectual appeal, and they talk about stiff and difficult things that are not familiar to them. 
Never believe a woman who flatters you and says, "Amazing (tedious)".
This display of trivia and other knowledge is something women instinctively hate most.

Women's favorite 5 choices
Sweets, desserts
5K (Sparkling, Cute, Beautiful, Shopping, Anniversary)
MAMU (Attentive&considerate&keep in touch, Secure, Lean on, Accept&admit)
Support the person she likes

This is because one of the neurotransmitters in the reward system, the brain drug "endorphin", is more common among women than among men when they eat sweets.
In addition, the female body is a mechanism that requires high calories during pregnancy, and desires the same rewarding happiness hormone "serotonin" as endorphins during menstruation.

5K (Sparkling, cute, beautiful, shopping, anniversary)
I don't think many men understand this at all, but women love glittering things. That's why you want sparkling, cute and beautiful things like fireworks, jewels and chandeliers.
Also, the way of thinking about shopping is different between men and women. Men shop for the purpose of purchasing, but women enjoy shopping for no purpose. That's why women often do window shopping.

In the same way, unlike men, women like to feel special and look forward to anniversaries with great care. Therefore, if you go on an anniversary date without any special feeling, it will get cold all at once.
According to some data, Christmas is the time when couples break up the most, and women regard Christmas as a very important anniversary.

Women who were gatherers in the hunters-gatherers Paleolithic period and who have a thick and short corpus callosum that allows them to use their left and right brains in a balanced way, love communication much.
That's why they can release stress and build relationships just by chatting. What men should be aware of here is the appeal that "I'm listening to you". You should respond to them with sympathy and back-channeling.

共感する(大変じゃないですか?頑張ってるね、頑張りすぎじゃい? セオリー)

​実際、私は、女性とお酒を飲んでいるときに、「大変ではないですか?」 「思ってたより大変?」 「あなたはよくやっているよね。頑張っているよね。」という言葉だけを使う。

​一方、男性の場合は、経済や政治の話をしたり、知的な魅力を得たり、自分にはなじみのないような堅苦しく難しいことを話したりしてくる。それなのに、​あなたに媚びて「素晴らしい (実は退屈よ)」と言う女を信じてはいけない。

​5 K (キラキラ輝いているもの、キュート、キレイ、買い物、記念日)
​MAMU (マメで気配りと思いやりがある、アクセプトし連絡を取り合い、安全で身を乗り出し守り、受け入れて認める)


​5 K (キラキラ輝いているもの、キュート(カワイイ)、キレイ、買い物、記念日)

mash/[mǽʃ]マッシュ/名詞、動詞/すりつぶす、どろどろにする、ボタンなどを激しく押す、思い切り踏む、連打・乱打する、~を押す、すりつぶしたもの、どろどろになったもの、マッシュポテト、飼料、麦芽汁 /Lv.2
tedious/[tíːdiəs] ティーディアス/形容詞/つまらない、退屈な、飽き飽きする/Lv.3
neurotransmitter/[njùəroutrænsmítər ]ヌアロウトランスミタ/名詞/神経伝達物質/Lv.3
calorie/[kǽləri]キャロリ/名詞/カロリー、(必要な・生み出す潜在的な)熱量 /Lv.3
annex/[ənéks ]アネクス/名詞/を付け加える、付け足す、書き添える、併合する、別館、付属書類・文書、添付書類、付録/Lv.3
corpus callosum/脳梁



When a woman is happy, likes, or easy to be flirted
The three typical situation.

Care (superficial tenderness), Kindness of only surface
Empathy (Isn't it hard for you ? You work too hard, theory)
A familiar story of her friends or acquaintances

Women's  5 favorites
Sweets, desserts
5K (Sparkling, Cute, Beautiful, Shopping, Anniversary)
MAMU (Attentive&considerate&keep in touch, Secure, Lean on, Accept&admit)
Support the person she likes

Top 3 when it's easy situation to seduce women
Encouraging and relieving anxiety and depression
When she was concerned about the differences in physique
When a pleasant conversation continues
It is very important for this woman to be happy.

Care (superficial tenderness)
What kind of men do you like? As you can see, the No. 1 answer was (superficial) tenderness. 
Women often say that the person who is kind is the first. But aren't there many men who always feel uncomfortable with these results?
That's because if you look around, you'll see that the people who are popular with girls are the Yankees, the bad guys, and the typical flirtatious men, and on the contrary, sincere and kind friends are not popular at all.
Women like strong alpha-male. 
All right? A woman's "tenderness" is, in a word, "superficial tenderness". She has not seen your "inner tenderness".
That's right. Women are not aware of our inner tenderness, nor are they attracted to the essential tenderness. 
On the other hand, it's easier than having a big obsession inner our mind. 

We can make advances fast if you just learn superficial kindness.
Walk on the side of a road
Open the lid and cap instead
Pull a chair in a restaurant
Reach out when one's feet are in danger (when going Down stairs, when riding a roller coaster, etc.)
Buy movie tickets and keep women waiting
Put a woman first when riding a train or car or entering a store
Make an overprotective gesture
Take something that is high
Pay the bill while the woman is in the bathroom
The man goes up the escalator first and the man goes down first
Have a seat Lady first in the restaurant. Let her order first. Feed first.
Keep asking, "Aren't you cold?"
Keep asking, "Are you okay?"
keep asking, "Aren't you hungry?"
Be aware of changes in her hairstyle (Accessories)
Repeat "You look beautiful."
Remember her favorite flowers, birthday, etc., and remind herself
Take her to and from the house
Carry a heavy bag
Have her wear a jacket when it is cold
Reserve a shop/ restaurant
Quick to find her glass is empty
Separate dishes
Pour a drink
Call a clerk
Act as a poison tester
Say "Don't work too hard."
Praise (especially in front of a third person)
The (e-mail) is finished by a man
Put one's hand around a woman's abdomen when she slammed on the brakes in a car
Become a wall to protect women on trains
Build electrical appliances
When a woman takes off her coat, casually turns back to help her also when she wears it
In dark or dangerous places, men go first
Open and close a car door
Tip abroad
Take care not only of the woman you're after, but of everyone else (Drinking parties, etc.)
Hang out with her for shopping
Take a break instead of just walking
Turn around after parting
Keep pace
Adjust one's eating speed
Clean up after
Make a plan in advance for a trip
Won't go to bed first
Not get up first (make time for women to put on makeup)
Give someone a handkerchief when she is crying
Keep the door open when getting off the elevator
Get to the rendezvous point first
Make a gesture to a waiter to hand over a wet towel to a woman
If there is only one menu(food) left, make it for women.
Ask someone for directions
If the destination is not fixed, take the initiative in proposing
Recommend desserts

These actions that please women are seen by other men as "He's flimsy/frivolous." So it is important to carry them out secretly.



​5 K (キラキラ輝いているもの、キュート、キレイ、買い物、記念日)
​MAMU (マメ気配りと思いやりがあり連絡を取り合う、安全で、身を乗り出し守り、受け入れて認める)


​どんな男性が好き?​ という質問を女性にすると、おわかりのように、一番多かったのは (表面的な) 優しさだった。​親切な人が一番だということ。​でも、いつもこの結果に違和感を覚える男性は多いのではないか?
​いいかな?​ 女性の言う「優しさ」は一言で言えば「うわべの優しさ」だ。​彼女はあなたの「内面の優しさ」を見てはいない。

​ヘアスタイルの変化に注意 (アクセサリーも)


chatter/[tʃǽtər] チャタ(ァ)/動詞、名詞/くだらないことを(ペチャクチャ)しゃべる、けたたましく鳴く、さえずる、ガタガタと音を立てる、歯の根が合わない、くだらないおしゃべり(の声)、連続的で耳障りな音、カタカタいう音、甲高い声、鳴き騒ぎ、サラサラという音、サラサラという音、せせらぎ/Lv.3
towel/[táuəl]タウエル/名詞/ タオル、手拭い、タオルでふく/Lv.0



Once we've mastered surging psychology, our goal is to take 10 HB out and have 6 sex immediately and 2 sex next appointment.
Sexually aware approaches, conversations and body touches are rarely needed.
From Cafe to Home directly.
I go to good places only with LTR.
Save a lot of money and time.

Also, as a bigger harvest than money, time, or women's appetite for you, we rise ourselves up by using self-hypnosis in self-management.
The deception and harmful effects of alcohol are very big. Using self-hypnosis can improve our psychological skills and not rely on alcohol.

And, of course, you can then control your ejaculation perfectly. You can do it with women from morning to night.
For example, I haven't been ejaculating for seven days.
It's like the ultimate version of Ona-kin(prohibit masturbation). 
This is really very fantastic and phenomenal, the self-image is improved because women rush to us.
Our Libido is always in a state of maximum, and we can concentrate on our work, have high ability of action and execution, and we can create an incredible situation where we are not tired at all.

The final form of hypnosis is not so much about taking care of others. It is self-hypnosis after all. I can control myself. We can create our own image. We can customize ourselves. We can extract our potential to the limit.
It also gives us access to the potential which normally sleeps without being used by us. This ultimate self-development is accomplished by turning on the alpha male's genetic switch.
The alpha male is the leader monkey of the group.
The alpha male of Homo sapiens is the boss who reigns over tens of thousands to 1 billion people, unlike the monkey boss who is on the top of dozens to 50. The moment we stand on top of tens of thousands of people, the switches turn on and we wake up to the limits of our potential.
Even if we don't think about it and learning psychological skills, people around us become supporters.
In other words, the hypnotic power resides in the aura of that the person creates. Instead of squabbling over all sorts of messy technologies, it's just a matter of acting and showing what you're doing, and you're going to beat them in a big fight.
Come flying in. And we will realize that we have money, time, position and fame.

Well, if we think we have a weakness in our mind, and 
if we start from a technical point of view, we will grow faster, we can go to a technic. Learn magic, and then gain experience. Act rather than think too much! We can go through the mental strengthening route, raise one status up, and learn the minimum skills & technic later.

We can either learn a hypnotic level of mental skills, or we can get a hypnotic level of mental power from the aura of that person.
Regardless of how we approach it, it's true that we can develop a hypnotic level of human power through hard work.

サージングでの心理学をマスターしたら、目標は10人の HBを連れ出した場合、すぐに6人とはセックスし、次のデートで2人とセックスすることになる。




そういうことを考えずに、心理的なスキルを身につけるだけでも、周りの人は応援してくれる。​つまり、催眠の力は、その人が作り出す 「オーラ」 の中にある。とっ​散らかったテクノロジーをあれこれ取り合うのではなく、自分のやっていることをうまく演技して見せるだけで、大きな戦いで相手を打ち負かすことができる。



aware/be aware~of/that ~を知っている、~が分かっている
dwarf/[dwɔ́rf ]ドワーフ/名詞/小人、矮小動物(植物)、矮小形、小さい、小型の、矮性の、発育の止まった、~を小さくする、~の成長を妨げる/Lv.2
airport/[ε'rpɔ̀rt] エァポァト/名詞/空港、飛行場/Lv.0
portion/[pɔ́rʃən] ポーション/名詞/部分、一部分、一部、割り当て、分け前、取り分、持参金、一人分の量、一人前、を分割する、)に遺産・財産を分与する/Lv.2