

MPUAs in Japan 5

The maintenance-adjustment phase is the second phase in the HB sarging scheme.
It is positioned as 4, maintenance step.

This phase has one step of "Maintenance Step".
The first step is make a call, LINE call, first SNS or SMS at the time I promised with her when we number closed .
After that, the schedule is adjusted by the appointment offer call/LINE/SMS, and maintenance call/LINE/SMS, we will continuously maintain relationships until the appointment day.
The shorter the number of before appointment days, the lower the probability of her cancellation.
However, if the number of days is not good for sarging, please keep it frequently.
Also, there are various reasons for the troubles and sometimes we can't make an appointment.
In that case, we will make a call immediately or by taking measures such as multiplying appointments, or setting up a revival LINE after a while to recover.

Here are some tips to get started with the maintenance step.
・Do no flirt in maintenance step
It's different from a real talking where we can switch back and forth instantly. Only use of messaging tools make getting started much harder. Basically, the maintenance step is a calmly making schedule with no persuasion. To focus on finishing is to improve the opportunity of the finally getting her.

・Use a cognitive method to make her recognize that she is interested in me
"Thank you even though you were tired after work." 
You wright to the first LINE, add the following sentence: "You were busy, but thank you".
And she contemplates, "Why was I so tired? " , "Why did I contact him when I'm busy?", "I think I exchanged the first message. "
She begin to realize that I am suited person to her.
If we can make her think like this once, we can make the LINE rally calmly afterwards.
She just repeats in her mind , "I, who returns the LINE = I, who is kind to him"
So, we're going to create a perception in the unconscious area of women that is beneficial to us.

Also, we can also attach additional information.
・The key to adjusting the schedule is "the action of naming many candidates" but "we are busy appeal. "
The ideal schedule is "a short rally day with no hassles.
It depends on how much we want it to be. "busy person" He seems that he is a person needed by the society. That makes it more popular with women.
At the same time as the short rally, he said, “I'm not free, but I'm not...but..."

In order to show off the special feeling of "having another time for her," , I think "I can make time for one day from Tuesday to Friday of the week. Which one do you want? " is good. It is both Busy Appeal and Schedule Candidates to send the adjustment LINE. Try to cover the many advantages at the same time.

・If both of us are busy and can't make an appointment, make "the fact that an appointment has been made once"
If we are busy with each other, and we may not be able to make an appointment, in that case, I will make an appointment even if it is impossible to meet. 
So...Then I will contact her a few days before the appointment and reschedule it at the same time.

Rather than making a appointment far future in three weeks or a month, by making the fact that we've already made an appointment each other, it enables stronger relationship values and lower last-minute cancellation rates. And we will be able to achieve ultimately higher appointment rates.

・Send the LINE/SMS previously the day before
By sending the last LINE, we can increase the likelihood.
Yes, we can. Basically, if a woman is willing to make an appointment, she always replies. If there is no reply, avoid the risk of a last-minute cancellation. In order to do that, I set up an appointment or a date to pick up another woman. For an appointment with new woman is eventually valid, make a rescheduling proposal the day before to the another. Also, depending on the outcome of the rescheduling proposal, the appointment may continue.

However, in any case, it is the matter of situation and psychological leadership. Let's keep it in control.

Summary of adjustment phase
Make phone calls and messages to women who exchanged contact info during the first-picking phase
, avoiding various troubles, and go for the main purpose of adjusting the schedule. Let's get the woman to the appointment safely. Escape lousy attack.
We should keep our solid defense until our appointment date. Let's do it.




彼女は「なぜ私はそんなに疲れていたのにも拘わらず。」 「なぜ私はそんな忙しい時に彼に連絡するようにしたのだろうか?」 「最初のメッセージは交換したんだ。」などと考えている。そして、彼女はあなたが自分に合っているのではないかと考え始める。

理想的なスケジュールは 「直近の面倒のない日を、やり取りですぐ決める」ことだ。
それは、どんな感じにしたいかによる。「多忙な人」は社会から必要とされている人と考えられるので、女性に人気がある。短いラリーと同時に、彼は 「私は自由ではないが...暇ではないんだけど...」 と話す。

そして、「彼女のために特別な時間を持つ」の、その特別感をアピールするには「私は火曜日から金曜日の間に1日でよければ、時間を作れるよ。どれがいい日あるかな。」がいいと思いう。日程調整でラインを送付するのは、 「ビジーアピール」 と 「候補者の予定作成」 の両方に拘わる。同時に多くの利点をカバーするようにしよう。





revitalize/[rìváitəlaiz] リイタライズ/動詞/に新しい活力を与える、~に新しい命を吹き込む、~を復興させる、再生する、活性化する/Lv.3
valentine/[vǽləntàin] ヴァレンタイン/名詞/バレンタイン、ヴァレンタイン(キリスト教の聖人)、バレンタイン・デー、バレンタインの相手、バレンタインカード、ハート型で文字が書いてあるもの、バレンタイン(デー)の/Lv.1
reschedule /[riːskédʒuːl ]リスケジュール/動詞/のスケジュール(日程・予定・計画)を変更する(再調整する・組み直す)、延ばす、繰り延べる/Lv.3
prose/[próuz]プロウズ/名詞 /散文(体)、事実伝達の(無味乾燥な)文(話し方)、ミサの続唱/Lv.1