

A Sarging process in Japan
​​1. Start talking
​What is the advantage of a routine for a first talk?
​There are two advantages of using a routine. ​First, you can show a confident attitude to women by eliminating hesitation. ​The other thing is that it's easy to reflect on things that didn't work out(go next !).
​I feel it has a big effect on opening up women.
​Therefore, you can expect the effect of using the routine for starting to talk.

2. Penguin routine...
・​Excuse me, have you seen a penguin? ​IT'S CALLED PENTA ・・・
​To be honest, it is very difficult to act this. ​If we think about it calmly, we are quite a suspicious person....
​However, I introduced it because my first get on the street was this Penguin routine.

Miss world
​・I thought you are the cutest in the world and called out to you! ​I'm sorry, I thought you were the prettiest girl in the world. ​
Is it effective to make others happy by exaggerating? lol.

Lost something 
​・Hi, You lost something called a "encounter"(HB back shadow view).
​This is very popular. Women absolutely love it. But ​I just get mental damage when it doesn't work.

Cinderella routine
​​・Aren't you Cinderella? ​Could you try on these glass shoes?
​I like it a little. ​lol

Where are you going?
・Hey girl, where are you going?
​It is very suspicious, but it easily leads to a normal conversation, so I use it quite often.

Is it cold? ​(environmental opener)
​Speak out on the street and say something in a way that gives her and you the best/most frequent answer (empathy).

​Comment for her clothes,​Yo oneichan(lady)! ​for example, w

​2. Comfort phase
​I didn't pay much attention to the comfort phase, but this is also important.
​・pick up in a club and into comfort phase 

​The content of club-pick-up that I use
​The routine of the movement in club-pick-up when you are in a hurry.
​What's your name?
​How old are you?
​Student? Working?
​How many boyfriends do you have?
​Where do you live?
​Let's play next time! ​(Number exchange)
​LET'S TALK A LITTLE BIT!! ​(To a place where you can relax and talk, such as a chair/ other floor)
​Let's talk for a while (One hour) here or another place.

​Common strategies and routine examples
​step1. Calling (Open)
​step2. Nagomi(comfort) (Routine, Number Close)
​step3. Taking out (house hotel karaoke)
​Step4: Body Touch to Sex (king games, other games, sex, exchange girls)

​Love Pilgrimage Drawer ("How many boyfriends do you have (until)now?" "Tell me about your handsome ex-boyfriend.")
​Value Drawing (He asks what is important for her and plays the ideal man to her.)
Making fun of her hometown ("People in Tokyo don't do that.")
A false time limit/constraint ("I'll be back in an hour.")
​Body Language (Gesture. If you laugh, you laugh out loud.)
​Clothing (IF Floral printed Clothing "Do you want some water?")
Making fun with a wrong name ("What will Catherine do now?")
Making fun because she is small  ("I'll buy you some milk.")
​Color contact ("Where's your eye pigment?")
Making fun of false eyelashes ("Isn't it coming off/coming up?")
Unfounded confidence ("There's no better man in this room than me.")
​A similar entertainer ("YOU SAY YOU LOOK LIKE...")
Making fun of her hometown II ("Which Ibaraki prefecture are you from?")
​It brings us(her) to the illusion of our higher relative value.

​3. Closing
​A routine to invite a woman to your house or a hotel.
Because it has the effect of giving women an excuse to follow you. ​If you use this well, the s-close rate will go up considerably. ​I feel that the purpose is to break her public stance complaints. ​lol.
​・I won't do anything strange, so come here.
​It gives you a sense of security. ​And if it does, and she said she believed that I didn't do anything strange, ​I can make an excuse that we don't think it's so strange, but only from love, ​lol.

​・DVD routine
​We have DVDs, so let's drink while watching them.
​That's all. ​It is quite effective. 
But before, during, and after the sex, We often hear the word, " ​I just came to watch DVD..."many times...

​・Sleeping together routine
​Come with me, I'll just sleep with you, bed-sharing. 
In this respect, to some extent, ​I think it is only effective to the HBs of public stance complaints.

​4. Against her complaints/ objections 
​This seems to be the most difficult point. ​If your routine talk appears when you have complaints/ objections more smoothly from HBs, I think we can get more women.
​・We just met.
​・We're not dating.
​・I have a boyfriend.
​・I don't like one-nights-stand.

5. Sealing(beforehand) her complaints/ objections  edition
There is a technique to foreshadowing on the points which you think will be complained in advance.
To be honest, I think people who can do this well are excellent skill PUA.
If this goes well, you'll be able to get a girlfriend without any trouble.
In this regard, it is important to take a lot of foreshadowing

・Shit test edition 
There are times when you lose here on questions from women.
However, if the answer is good, the interest from her will increase considerably.
It's a good idea to have your own answers to the following list of bad tests:
・How long don't you have a girlfriend?
・Do you always pick up girls?
・Are you sure you are not flashy player?
Let's use magic line like this.

​1. 初めのトーク(オープン)


​誇張して他人を幸せにするのは効果的ですよね?​(笑) 。




​通りで声をかけて、(その日)最も良い/最も頻繁に答えられるような方法を使って何かを言う (共感を目指す) 。


​2. コンフォートフェーズ

​ステップ1. 声をかける (オープン)
​ステップ2. なごみ(​コンフォートフェーズのルーティーン、ナンバークローズ)
​ステップ3. 家や、ホテル、カラオケへ連れ出す
​ステップ4: セックスと身体の接触 (王様ゲームなど、セックス、女性の交換)

​恋愛遍歴引出し(「ボーイフレンドは今何人いる?」 「あなたのハンサムな元彼について教えて。」)

3. クロージング
安心感を与えてくるものだ。もしそうなって、彼女は私は変なことはしないと言ったと言うかもしれない。しかし、それは愛すること、変だとは思うべきでない、という言い訳ができる (笑) 。



4. 彼女の苦情や反対に対処する

5.不満・反対を (事前に) 封印する



exalt/[ɛgzɔ́lt]イグザルト/動詞/を高める、昇進させる、~を得意にさせる、~を高尚にする、~を褒める、称賛する、賛美する、あがめる、たたえる /Lv.2
unfounded/[ʌnfáundid]アンファウンディド/形容詞/ 事実に基づかない・基づいていない、事実無根の、根拠・いわれのない、根も葉もない、正当な理由のない/Lv.3