

​"DHV Story" line 
"DHV" (Demonstrate Higher Value) is a kind of routine to casually pass on to the HB, ​saying "DHV Story" to her.
​This is the most important issue in "ACS Model" at "Attraction Phase". 
​This technique is mainly used to attract HBs in "Attraction Phase" or "Comfort - Building Phase", to present "DHV", but it can also be used on e-mails/SNS.

​Notes on "DHV Story"
​"DHV Story" is about attracting deals. ​It doesn't have to be an outright touching story. By talking blatantly moving stories and boastful stories, HB think that ​"this man is trying to make a good impression on me", ​if that is true or not. ​Be careful not to fall into "DLV" or (Demonstrate Lower Value).

​Rules for "DHV Story"
​The "DHV Story" should be based on the following 4 rules:
​① A story that is entertaining and interesting and attracts the attention of a group.
​② A story based on actual experiences involving facts at least in part.
​③ A story that casually conveys one's individuality and characteristics that attract women.
​>Like children, cherish friends, have qualifications, can play the piano. ​etc.
​④ It is necessary to describe in detail and politely the expression of one's feelings and the characteristics of the person.
​>When women listen, they focus more on the feelings and emotions caused by experience than on the facts.
​It is easier to understand if it is expressed in detail and carefully as in the following example sentences.
"I once picked up a dog on the street and raised it."
​PUA: When I was in the third grade of elementary school, a Shiba puppy was thrown away in a brown cardboard box on my way to school.
​He was so cute that I carried him home without thinking.
​My parents were surprised, but I promised them to study hard.
​The three of us agreed to have the puppy, so we came up with a name for it. ​

​Examples of "DHV Story"
​PUA "I gave my sister, who likes Disney, a stuffed toy of Kimetsu(or kitty) as a Christmas present, and she said, "Ki- is not Disney!"
​I was scolded that. ​(Laughter) "
​>As a story of his failure, he casually expressed his affection for his family.

​PUA : "A friend of my ex-girlfriend confessed to me three days ago.
​She said, "I want you to go out with me." but I turned her down.
​And she said, "Please do not say anything about what I confessed to me(My Name) to her(Name of the ex-girlfriend)."
​I really didn't tell anyone.
​But when I ran into my ex-girlfriend a little while ago, she found out that her best friend had confessed to me.
​I'm really confused now... what's going on? ​
​>As a strange experience, it tells his "Pre-selection" to her.

​PUA: "Do you have any personal belongings that you care about? Because of my job, I often go abroad, so I buy new suitcases every year."
​>While asking questions, he tells them that he often goes abroad and has the financial power to buy suitcases every year.

​PUA: When I was a student, I volunteered at an orphanage.
​At first, I was worried if I could get along with everyone.
​I tried to speak from the same viewpoint as children, and I was able to open up. ​​
> As an experience that he was worried about, he told her casually that he liked children.

​"DHV Story" has become a technique that can be called the core of "ACS Model" and without using "DHV Story"
​In many cases, it becomes difficult to present "DHV" and (Demonstrate Higher Value).
​① A dream for the future and the events leading up to it.
​② What I'm trying. ​Or what I used to do.
​③ A story about being helped by a friend. ​Or the story of helping a friend.
​④ The story of playing with children. ​Or a story about giving something to a child.
​⑤ The story told by a girl. ​Or a former girlfriend.
​⑥ What I did for my parents. ​Or what I did to my brother.

​"Marriage partner hunting" opener
​PUA : "Good evening. ​Are there always so many men here? ​TO TELL THE TRUTH, I (and my friends) CAME HERE TODAY FOR A MARRIAGE partner hunting FESTIVAL ...
​I thought the male/female ratio was totally distorted. "
​HB: "What? Marriage partner hunting? (Laughter)"
​PUA: "Right. My friend told me that if I wanted to get married, this place would be good. Anyway, could you tell me three dishes that you are very good at cooking? (Laughter)"

​A humorous direct opener. ​It is relatively easy to use even for pick-up beginners. ​When using this opener, you should be aware of the image of teasing women, Teaseneg.
​After a woman answers 3 of her dishes, we can invoke "(Fake) chemistry is the worst."
​"(Fake) chemistry is the worst." is ... a line used mainly in "Attraction Phase" ("ACS Model") ​to the woman who spoke to us.
​By saying, "We can't get along/do it well."​
This is a technique to soften the hostility of women and the whole group while presenting "DHV" (Demonstrate Higher Value).
​Why I Use "(Fake) our chemistry is the worst?" ​to the women I picked up?
​To say, "We can't get along well." ,we show ​"IOD" (Indicator Of Disinterest: no attraction sign) .
​The objective is mitigating hostility among women and the group as a whole. It is the same as "Neg".
​For women with high "striking value" and "Hired Guns",
​this kind of provocative "No attraction sign" creates a powerful force of persuasion that ​"This man is not just a pick-up junky guy."
​Line from "(Fake) chemistry is the worst."
​PUA: "We're not gonna make it."
​PUA: "I knew at once that I couldn't get along with you."
​PUA: "You're fired. You don't have to come tomorrow."
​PUA: "You're too good a girl for me.", ​"Look, that man over there will look good on you.​"
​PUA: "We're the end. ​Let's break up. ​Please return the CD quickly.​"
​PUA: "Are you a nurse?, ​Oh, my God, I can't even talk to you.​"
​PUA: "The exit is that way."

​Another example
​PUA: "Hey, what's your specialty?"
​PUA: "Eh? ​Sunny-side up? ​I knew right away that I couldn't get along with you. ​The exit is that way. "

​PUA: "What's your hobby?"
HB: "I don't have any hobbies these days."
​PUA: "You're too good a girl for me. ​Look, that man over there will look good on you.​"
HB: "I'm a nurse."
​PUA: "Are you a nurse? ​WHAT THE HELL!!, ​I wouldn't look at you. ​I can't even approach you or talk to you.​"


​「DHV」 (より高い価値を実証すること)は、「DHVストーリー」をHBに伝えるためののルーティーン。
​これは「ACSモデル」 「引き付けフェーズ (Attraction Phase)」の最重要課題と言える。
​この手法は、主に「アトラクションフェーズ 」や「コンフォート・ビルディングフェーズ」でのHBの取り込みや「DHV」の提示に利用されるものであるが、電子メールやSNSでの利用も可能である。



​PUA :「ディズニー好きの妹に鬼滅のぬいぐるみをクリスマスにプレゼントしたらにプレゼントしたら、」 鬼滅はDisneyではない!​ってしかられた。​(笑) 」

​PUA :「3日前、元カノの友達から告白された。​「私と付き合ってほしい。」と言われたが、断った。​彼女は「私が告白したこと(自分に)を彼女(元彼女の名前〇〇)に言わないで」と言った。​私は本当に誰にも言わなかった。




​PUA 「こんばんは。​ここにはいつもこんなにたくさんの男性がいるの? ​実は今日(私と友人)は、結婚相手探しに、お祭りに来たんだ...でも、​男女比は完全に歪んでいると思った。​」
​HB:「何? 結婚相手探し?(笑)」
​PUA 「そうだよ。友達は私に、結婚したいならここがいいと言ったんだ。ところで、君の得意な料理を3つ教えてくれる?(笑)」



​「相性最悪」は私たちに話しかけてきた女性への「アトラクションフェーズ 」 (「ACSモデル」)で主に使われる台詞である。
​「私たちはうまくやっていけないなぁ」と言い、​「DHV」 (より高い価値の実証)を提示しながら、女性やグループ全体の敵意を和らげる(単なるナンパ目的ではないかという緊張を和らげる)手法と言える。

​「私たちはうまくやっていけない。」と言うために、「IOD」 (無関心:引き付けられていない)ということを示す。


​PUA:「看護師さん? なんてことなんだ! あなたと話すこともできない」

​「え?​目玉焼き? あなたとうまくやっていけないとすぐに分かった。​出口はあっちだよ。」

​PUA :「あなたは私にはもったいない女の子だ。​ほら、あそこにいる男性があなたに似合うよ。​」

​HB 「私は看護師」
​​PUA :「看護師さん?なんだ!!​私はあなたを見ることもできない。​私はあなたにアプローチすることも話すこともできないよ。​」

stuffed toy/ぬいぐるみのおもちゃ
volleyball/[vɑ́libɔ̀l ]ヴァリボル/名詞/バレーボール、バレーボール用のボール/Lv.0
orphanage/[ɔ́ːfənidʒ]オーファニジ/名詞/児童養護施/設/Lv.3/orphan/[ɔ́rfn] オーファン/名詞/孤児(の)、親のない(人)、親をなくした(人)、オーファン(の)、孤立行(の)、~を孤児にする、~の親を失わせる/Lv.1
junky = junkie/マリフアナ使用者、麻薬常習者、麻薬中毒者、病みつきになっている人、取りつかれた人、熱狂的ファン、~気違い、~狂い
fried egg/目玉焼き、卵焼き、ペチャパイ、ぺたんこの胸
sunny-side up/片面だけ焼いた、目玉焼き(の)
reimburse/[rìimbə́rs] リイムバァス/動詞/払い戻す、人に返金する、清算する、賠償・補償する/Lv.3
cursor/[kə́ːrsər] カーサ(ァ)/名詞/カーソル(文字入力・マウスの位置を示すポインタ)、線を引いたガラス板/Lv.1