

​7 Checklists to Determine "Ageman" girl
1.Have a lot of smiles
​Just looking at a smile makes us feel happy. ​There is a good scientific basis for this. ​There is a cell called "mirror neuron" in the brain, and it has a function to read and empathize with human emotions. ​So, when the other person is smiling, our mood becomes bright and happy.

​2.Set a man free
​If a man is bound or nagged by a women like a mother does, he will feel bad. ​Women who restrict our activities, such as drinking parties, playing with friends, or going on business trips, can be a drag on men.
​A little bit of Yakimochi(jealousy) may be cute, but it is "Ageman" that is a woman who firmly trusts a man, respects what he wants to do, and lets him do what he wants.

​"Ageman" doesn't expect anything in return, but keeps giving everything to the man.
​It could be thoughtfulness, cleaning, cooking, or a little gift. ​Such free love makes people bigger.

​On the other hand, "I did it for you, so you did it me too (or more)." is an idea to steal from others. ​Time and money will be stolen more and more. ​We can't have a good relationship.

​4.Positive thinking
​"Ageman" can think positively. She doesn't often say negative things or complain. She feels positive when she is with us. ​She also encourages us saying "It'll work out. ​I'm your best friend."

​It makes us happy and motivates us. ​It also gives us confidence. ​"Ageman" is a woman who naturally does that. ​The ability to praise is essential to a man's success. ​On the other hand, if she denies everything, or says no, our power will only weaken.

​6.Say what one needs to say...
​It's not just positive praise. ​We should appreciate a woman who says what have to say. ​Even in this case, instead of just saying no, the woman who stands up and says "You'll be better!" is Ageman. ​
In such a case, we will grow bigger.

​"Ageman" is single-minded and passionate. ​That alone gives men confidence. With an easy woman who seems to leave soon, we can't relax. ​If we have a woman who we believe will not cheat on, we can concentrate on our work and have the energy to try new things.

​"Love"  is wonderful!
​I think you understand how wonderful Ageman is and what kind of woman is Ageman. ​Great men have perfected only with the support of women. ​Be sure to check out "Is this woman Ageman?" when choosing her. ​She will be our strongest ally in our success.

​But of course, we remember, she has the right to choose men! ​She is not interested in helpless men!
​We have to be a "suitable man" to be chosen by such a 'Ageman' woman. ​It's like, "an aspiring man".
​In order to get "Ageman", let's do our best to become more attractive and appealing and to women and also all the people.
​She always sees potential in men who think "Grow up!" and always stays close to them.
​We can improve our appearance, develop skills, or achieve results at work. ​Please choose one right now and start to improve it. ​That's the first step to getting Ageman and perfecting your life.

​7 「あげまん」の判定チェックリスト








​ただし、もちろん覚えておくべきなのは、彼女にも男性を選ぶ権利があるということ!​ 彼女は無力な男には興味がない!

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