Routines : Is Kissing Cheating - 2 Part Kiss routine 2
PUA: Right. That’s interesting. The real reason I asked is because my friend over there is dating a girl at the moment and whenever she goes out she gets wasted and makes out with other girls. Now of course, some guys might flexibly be into that (said while smiling), but my friend gets really annoyed about it and think it’s cheating. She certainly denies it and says it’s definitely not cheating, hence why we wanted to get another opinion on it!
Group:Well exceptional between lady friends, he takes it too seriously. Or, he should talk to her about it etc etc.
The 2 part kiss routine is an extremely effective routine for opening almost any set. When delivered in the right way and with the right posture, voice tonality and body language it can be a great opener and routine and bring a breakthrough.
PUA: Right. That’s interesting. The real reason I asked is because my friend over there is dating a girl at the moment and whenever she goes out she gets wasted and makes out with other girls. Now of course, some guys might flexibly be into that (said while smiling), but my friend gets really annoyed about it and think it’s cheating. She certainly denies it and says it’s definitely not cheating, hence why we wanted to get another opinion on it!
Group:Well exceptional between lady friends, he takes it too seriously. Or, he should talk to her about it etc etc.
The 2 part kiss routine is an extremely effective routine for opening almost any set. When delivered in the right way and with the right posture, voice tonality and body language it can be a great opener and routine and bring a breakthrough.
ルーティーン:キスをするのは浮気か - 2パートキスのルーティーン2グループ:そうね、女友達同士は例外かなぁ、彼はそのことをあまりにも真剣に受け止め過ぎじゃない? 彼はそれについて彼女と話をするべきだ等々
moment/一瞬、時点、今 > momentary[móuməntèri]モウメンタリィ/形容詞/瞬間の、瞬間的な、つかの間の、絶え間のない/Lv.2/momentarily/[mòuməntérəli]モウメンテラリィ/副詞/ほんのつかの間、ほんの一瞬の間、すぐに/Lv.2
wasted/使われていない、役に立たない、酔っぱらった、浪費した、消耗した < waste > wasteful/[wéistfl] ウェイストフル/形容詞/無駄の多い、浪費的な、荒廃の/Lv.1
make out with/何とかする、~と折り合いをつける、人といちゃつく、ペッティングする
flexibly/[fléksibli]フレクシブリ/副詞/曲げやすく、弾力的に、柔軟に/Lv.2 > flexibility/[flèksəbíləti]フレキシビリティ/名詞/曲げやすさ、しなやかさ、柔軟性、適応性、順応性、従順さ、素直さ/Lv.2 /flex/フレックス/動詞、名詞/曲げる、動かす、曲げること、コード、柔軟性/Lv.3
annoyed/[ənɔ́id]アノイド/形容詞/困って、悩んで、イライラして/Lv.2 < annoy/困らせる、苛立たせる > annoyance/[ənɔ́iəns]アノイアンス/名詞/いら立たしさ、腹立ち、うるさがらせること/Lv.2/annoying/[ənɔ́iiŋ]アノイイング/形容詞/人を悩ます、迷惑な、うっとうしい/Lv.1
definitely/確かに、はっきりと < definite[défənət]デフィニット/形容詞/確定された、疑う余地のない、明白な、間違いないと思う、確信している、限定された/Lv.2 > definition/[dèfəníʃən]dèfəníʃən/名詞/定義、明確にすること、定義づけすること、精細度、忠実度、解像度/Lv.2
exceptional/[iksépʃənəl]イクセプショナル/形容詞/例外的な、普通と異なる、格別の/Lv.1 > exception/[iksépʃən]イクセプション/名詞/除外すること、例外、特例/Lv.1
seriously/真面目に、真剣に > seriousness/[síəriəsnis]シアリアスネス/名詞/深刻さ、真面目、本気、真剣、重症/Lv.3
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