MPUAs in Japan 2
② Stand-Stop Step
The second step is to stop the woman who is talking, walking in parallel to slowly "stop-step".
Chiba sees this "standstill" as a particularly important step. If we can talk with a woman firmly with this stop, the probability of getting it will be much higher.
In addition, according to Chiba's rule of thumb, there is a fact that the women who were able to immediately agree with him or semi-immediately, or the women for a long time relationships or became his favorite were all good stop-standing patterns without exception.
And Chiba or other MPAs, who have excellent picking up skills, are always good at stopping skills. The more advanced we become, the more likely we are to say, "I was able to stop her, so I calmed her down." rather than "I was able to stop her because she was relaxed by my parallel-talking walking".
In order to make stopping a woman successful, it is important to prepare a lot of stop-talk, following a stop-talk, and to stop the woman using all the available things such as surroundings, crowds, obstacles, and intersections, etc.
Caution: It is strictly prohibited to take any action such as hitting the body, pushing the body against the wall, or intimidating the body directly, as this may violate laws and regulations.
The following is the point of this stage.
・Make women realize that "I stopped for myself."
After stopping with a gesture, he says, "Thank you for stopping when you are busy." and expresses his gratitude for the pause. In fact, there were some reasons which she stopped by, and because we stopped her, but when women realized that "stopped for herself" they thought, "Why did I stop when I was busy?" and started thinking about "I stopped for this man".
This effect is so great that it will be effective in closing numbers, making appointments, getting, keeping, and becoming a favorite girlfriend. So let's make sure that women have that perception.
・Slow down the pace and tone of a conversation
We talk in a slow tempo and tone, different from the fast tempo of the first talk. Slow talk has an mind opening effect on women. In other words, after speaking to someone like a storm, he suddenly changes his attitude and speaks to her with a calm image. This is the key to successful pickups.
・Self-disclosure talk, with a "nipping" image
If a woman's feet don't slow down and I don't feel like she can stop when I do a back-and-forth talk, use a self-disclosure talk to provide our information. However, because a woman's mind does not open when we talk about something like self-promotion, try to insert fragmentary information, such as "on this my way home from work" "on the way home from a reception" "before someone's appointment" "Working near xx station." "I am a salaried worker sometimes come here." and "I'm x x years old" into our talk.
By skillfully using the interposition of this self-disclosure talk, we can create an opportunity for women to think "Can I talk to him for a minute?".
・If we stand against the wall, be sure to change the position so that she is against the wall.
When a woman is standing still, she cares about her surroundings and tries to leave. Make sure that when we stop her near a wall, then we are standing against it, and the woman is talking to us. So as to making the probability that a woman will focus on a talk is much higher. Ideally, the conversation should last at least 5 minutes, with an average of 10 minutes. When our good atmosphere reaches its peak, move on to the next step.
日本のMPU 2
2 ステップ停止ステップ
注意事項 :体当たりをする、壁に押し付ける、真正面から威圧するなどの行動は、法律や条例違反となる可能性があるので、厳禁である。 (訳者注 まぁ、そもそもMPUA目指すことは、あくまで女の子を(相手も他人も自分も)大切にしてお互いプラスになる・することを学ぶプロセスであると考える思考がないと、単にキャッチとかと同じく、相手から奪うだけになってしまいますよね。逆に女で言えば、パパ活女みたいな感じのクズといえばいいでしょうか。それは、相手も自分も傷つけて腐らせる。つまり、不器用であったり結果形が違うかもしれませんが、愛が根底にあるかどうかは大きな違いとなると思われます)
・女性に「私は自分のために立ち止まった。」ことを自覚させる。ジェスチャーで立ち止めをした後に「忙しいのに立ち止まってくれてありがとう」と、立ち止まってくれたことに関する感謝 の旨を伝える。実際は、こちらが止めたので止まった部分もあるが、女性のほうは「自ら立ち止まった」ということを認識することで、「私は忙しいのにどうして立ち止まったのだろう」と考え、「この人のために立ち止まった私」について考えを巡らすことが始まる。
ファースト・トークの速いテンポから急激に差をつけて、 ゆったりとしたテンポとトーンで話しをする。ゆったりとしたトークは女性の心を開かせる効果がある。つまり、嵐のよう に声を掛けた後、一転して穏やかなイメージで話しかける。この強弱の落差がピックアップを成功させるコツだ。
切り返しトークをしても女性の足が遅くならず、立ち止め出来る気配を感じられない場合は、自己開示トークを用いてこちら の情報を伝える。ただ、よくありがちな自己 PR のような話をしても女性の心は開かないため、トークに挟みこむように「仕事帰りで」「接待の帰りで」「待ち合わせ前で」「xx駅近くで働いてて」「xx系のサラリーマンで」「x x才で」などの断片的な情報を投げ込むようにしよう。
立ち止め中に女性が周囲の目を気にしてしまい、その場を去ろうとしてしまうことがある。壁際で立ち止めたら必ず男性側が壁際に立ち、そこに女性が話しかけているような構図を作ろう。女性がトークに集中してくれる確率がぐんと上がる。 立ち止めの会話は最低でも5分、平均的に10分ほど続けることが 理想的と言える。そして2人の雰囲気の良さがピークに達した段階で、 次のステップに向かう。
rule of thumb/経験則、おおまかなやり方
thump/[θʌ́mp]サムプ/名詞、動詞 /ゴツン(ドシン)という音(打つこと)、強打、強い打撃、ドキドキ、ドキンドキン、~を激しくひっぱたく、たたきつける、~をゴツンと打つ、鈍器などで激しく打つ、~にぶつかる、ドンと打つ、ゴツンと当たる、ドシンドシンと歩く、ドキドキする/Lv.2
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