MPUAs in Japan 9
MPUAs in Japan 9
・We only say, "Let's go to the second (third) place"
I won't give her a specific destination. After we've done enough body touching, take her out to a private room using this take-out talk. However, in the case of No-complaining or opposing from her, there is no problem, but in the case of that, occurring in front of the hotel or rental room, the success rate for next step is higher than if we break them before going there.
If we are asked, we say "It's a surprise, so it's boring to say it now." or something. Trying to get there, and that's it. The rest is the final "Sex Close Step".
7, Sex Close Step
The final step is "Sex Close Step" to reach an agreement to have sex with a girl.
There are two main climactics for this step: "Private Room Complaining(mumble/grumble)" and "last-minute opposing(dissent/resistance)".
From this point, very delicate step in determining success or failure, we take care about not to making even a small mistake in breaking a grumbling. It is the most consistent way to increase our chances of success is to have the power to cease the grumbling talk by preparing and using our sure, no-fail lines to handle all situations and all kinds of grumbling.
Many grumbling come out from her and we can uncover the real grumbling.
A technique called "fight back and forth to get a lot of the woman and out of her, and find the real grumbling in it" is used to determine whether a female grumbling is her public stance or private opinion(or what she is supposed to say and what she really feels, her true intentions)
A technique called "fight back and forth to get a lot of the woman and out of her, and find the real grumbling in it" is used to determine whether a female grumbling is her public stance or private opinion(or what she is supposed to say and what she really feels, her true intentions)
For example, if you hear "I don't want to go a private room." grumbling from her. Instead of focusing on that private room, we focus on making another grumbling by exchanging gainsay or appeasing.
If we carefully observe various grumbling such as "I won't have sex thing.", "have no makeup tools", and "It's too sudden.", we may notice several similar grumbling with the same meaning.
For example, in many cases, a woman's "anxiety" is the real reason for the grumbling and opposing, and the truth is "I think it's good, but if I say yes and play here, I might not be able to see him again.", deeply in the woman's heart.
In this case, we can connect to her "I think it's because I'm serious that I have sex and that I'm facing you as real person." to the answer to using gainsay or appeasing talk that reminds her of the future. The point of breaking through grumbling or opposing is to find out them that appear many times in the exchange through the conversation and find out the real grumbling or opposing reason behind them.
日本のMPUA 9
・「2軒目 (3軒目) に行こう」とだけ言う
この段階には「個室へ行くことへの不満」と「最終段階でのの反対 」の2つの重要なポイントがある。
例えば、彼女から「個室には行きたくない。」という不平不満を聞いたとする。その場合、「個室」に集中するのではなく、相手を納得させたり、なだめたりして、他に言ってくる不平に集中してみる。「セックスはしないわ。」 「化粧道具もってない」 「急ぎすぎ」などの、不満点をよく見ると、似たような意味を持つのものがいくつもあることが分かる。
back and forth/前後に、あちこちへ[に]、行ったり来たり(して)、行きつ戻りつ、往復して
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