

PUA Words&Phrases
Amog routine collection 13

AMOG: Hey girls whats up (or whatever)
PUA:Hey dude dude (putting hands up like you give up).. I will pay you a HUNDRED dollars right now, to take these pumpkin girls away from me.
(Girls will go "no no no... we love you PUA.. noooooo" and giggle and crawl on you.. Again, immediately deflating to the guy)

AMOG: (starts touching you to show dominance to the newcomer)
PUA: hahhaha, DUUUUDE, I'm not into guys man... dude, there's club-gay-whatever over there man.. hands off the merchandise buddy
(girls laugh at him, then he starts qualifying himself to you that he's not gay)

AMOG: (gets in your face)
PUA: (don't answer.. just SIT there quiet.. the more he says stuff to you, the more he's TRYING.. talking too long without an answer is QUALIFYING yourself.. so if he keeps trying to out-alpha you, and you don't answer, eventually he looks beta because he tried too hard to get your attention.. another trick is to make "let's get out of here" girlcode with your eyes to the girls) (mimmick what they do to eachother when you do a bad set), and they'll leave with you)

AMOG: (gets in your face)
PUA: dude, you're an alphamale..
AMOG: what's that..nickname?
PUA: I have to lecture? you know, like the leader of the pack.. you call the shots.. you can put your hands on guys you don't know, cause you're alpha..prestige dude.
(fucks up his whole 'look cool' game, because you've characterized all his mannerisms, so anything he does to look alpha makes him appear to be qualifying himself too you.. if he continues, just say "see... alphamale.. whoa tiger, I can't mess")
By Tyler Durden

There are definitely multiple ways of dealing with AMOG's. An AMOG (Alpha Male Of Group, Alpha Male Other Guy) is a very interesting part of the game. These guys are typically naturals and will attempt to tool you and then take away your girls (it's happened to me, it definently got me pumped to open another set, but it still sucks).

There are A LOT of great lines you can use to instantly shoot down an AMOG. Some of my personal favorites are (these aren't ones I created);

"Dude, Did you get some sun today? You look red."

"Dude, you look tired."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" (yes) "Whoa, you leave your GF at home? That's cold." (no) "Oh, man, it'sokay, you'll find someone…"

"Man, you're such a joker! You're such a comedian, you must think this stuff up all day! I can't compete!"

"I'll point my finger at you when I want to talk to you."

"Man, you don't have to try so hard! These chicks totally like you! Just be real!"

These are definently great if you quickly recognize an AMOG trying to break into your set. But what about a situation where these lines won't work?

Here are anti-AMOG guidelines:
-Don't try to defend yourself, don't directly acknowledge his comment.
-Don't change your body language, attitude or anything else.
-Give him very little attention, I suggest that you continue making eye contact with the girls as you talk to him.
-Snip any conversation he tries to make with you or the girls.
-If you can turn your back towards him, do it.
-Don't say anything that lowers your value. If he insults you directly, don't agree with him. 
AMOG: "You are gay." PUA "Yeah, I am so gay". - That is bad, even if you are being sarcastic, it's not good.

Amog routine collection 13
AMOG:Hey girls what up(何でもいい)




PUA: 君はアルファメールだ。
Tyler Durden

AMOGに対処する方法は複数ある。AMOG(グループのAlpha Male、Alpha Maleである別の男)は、ゲームの非常に興味深い部分だ。これらの男たちは、典型的なナチュラルで、あなたを道具のように使い、あなたの女の子たちを連れ去ろうとする(それは私に起こったことであり、間違いなく別のセットを開ける気にはなったものの、最悪であることには変わりない)。











nickname/[níknèim]ニックネイム/名詞/ ニックネーム、あだ名、愛称 /Lv.1
lecture/[léktʃər] レクチャー/名詞/ 講義(する)、講演、説教(する)、訓戒、小言/Lv.1
> prestigious/[prestídʒ(i)əs]プレスティジャス/形容詞/名声のある、一流の、高名な、誉れの高い/Lv.2
shoot down/撃ち落とす
> defender/[diféndər]ディフェンダー/名詞/擁護者、防衛者、被告人、(サッカー)バック/Lv.2

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