

Question Understanding women's chastity

​In this chapter, you will be presented with a question-and-answer session that will allow you to measure the level of a woman's integrity naturally without having to listen to her directly. ​We will introduce the points in the order of talk, usage place, difficulty level, explanation of details, and talk example.

Effective usage
​In the middle of an appointment, we can already talk about work and love to a certain extent, but we just can't get to the point where we can go further. ​This is a very easy to use talk as an introduction to a dirty talk.

​Who is the celebrity (entertainer) who can go one night stand?

Detailed explanation
​It is a question talk that we can know the type of men women like and at the same time we can determine women's sense of chastity. ​We can determine in detail her own chastity that she keeps secret.

​HB who answer "To be frank, I can't resist if it's ○ ○ lol" or answer like "If I could be in such a situation, I would do it at all lol" , here we can understand that she has a chastity concept of 'If she like the man, she can have a one-night stand.'
So if we continue to make appointments hours in a good atmosphere and make an attack based on good  mood at the end, there is a high possibility that we will be able to confirm the flow of the get-go.

​In the pattern of "Ah, one night..." which is a little bit reluctant about one night, let's take out examples of candidates a little deeper.

For example, if you call young handsome actors one after another, like "What if △△△△?", "XXXX?", and "□□□□ HUH?", you will usually get one hit, like "If it's real ◎◎◎◎ then it's OK lol".

​If the other woman is at around her thirty years old, it will go well if you raise the age of the entertainer who will be nominated. ​Let's show the talent of the age group that matches the person.

​If the HB is a bit cynical and has a slight feeling of rejection about a handsome actor, you can start a conversation with the following topics: " YOU CAN'T ♦♦?" 'I can't.' "If that's the case, you can't do both." 'EH HEH HEH' "■ ■ It's cool." 'Oh, but he's an too aged.' and "Then who should I be?" "Of all the people I just said, there is only one person you are forced to do it! If I said so, who would it be?".

​Please do not give up even if you are told "The one night itself is impossible in the first place." after you have proceeded the conversation. ​In that case, there is a strong woman's passion in the part of "Why one-night is impossible?", so let's go in the direction of hearing her deep sense of values, ex-boyfriend, and past love affairs with this talk as hook, "Why not?" "There was something in the past lol".

​Even if it is impossible for a girl to have a one-night stand, if the cause is found to be "want a sense of security" or "afraid of being abandoned", it will be possible to break through the later complaints by deepening the relationship and developing a friendly talk or breaking down the complaints.

​In this way, the level of her taste of men(type) and chastity will be revealed by this talk, so let's use the information we got there to change the strategy, such as attacking immediately without slowing down, or attacking slowly to be a man who fits her ideal.

​If you can make it big enough, it is possible to move from this point to a deep bottom-up talk. ​You can dramatically improve the speed of deployment for getting.

​You should remember the list of entertainers to be nominated beforehand. ​You don't have to memorize all of them, but you just need to memorize a few people by referring to appropriate websites or directly showing your smartphone.

Talk example
​PUA: "(ask what type of man she likes)"
​HB: 'Well, maybe ○○○○'
​PUA: "Oh, you like that type."
​HB: 'YEAH.'
​PUA: "How much do you like it?"
​HB: 'How much lol'
​PUA: "Well, what if you could go out with ○○○○? If you are invited, can you stay one night?"
​PUA: "Say you like it at that level?"
​HB: 'I don't know.'
​PUA: "What is that smile? Who is OK? one night"
​PUA: "Someone who is an entertainer you like, you can have a night with?"

​Question talk to shorten the distance with women

​Here are some of the talks you can have at bars and izakaya bars to quickly reduce your psychological distance with women. ​This is the first or second time we've met, but depending on how we put together our conversations, we can make people realize that we're closer together than a shallow half-hearted acquaintance. ​Here are some explanations and examples.

Effective usage
​In the beginning. ​This is a talk that you use when you want to get closer to HB when you hear about recent events and love affairs. ​By sharing painful or sweet and sour memories, you will be able to get closer to her relationship at once.

​"Have you ever waited all night for someone to Call you, Line or Mail?"

​Detailed Description
​In romantic question-and-answer talks, I usually get pretty specific questions like, "Who did you go out with?" "How many have you dated?" and "What's the longest?"  ​That is because it is necessary information to understand her ideal male image and to set up a strategy to match it.

​On the other hand, this talk is not like that, but it is meant to be "Sharing heartrending and sad events and memories together, and narrowing the distance with her by sympathizing" in the memory of the past love. ​Therefore, we are not at risk of being considered by HB   : 'Listen to me, you have no delicacy.'.

​Despite being a yes or no question, this question has the power to remind women of the past so that they stop thinking once. Women have a talkative nature, and they always share such memories at girls' parties and enjoy talking with friends.

​In fact, when I ask her this question, she's happy to tell me her own story. ​Let's listen to it and affirm it. ​Just nodding and giving her a good reaction makes her happy and happy, and by having men talk about episodes similar to "I know what you mean. Me, too.", she can share her values from past episodes and thinks such as : 'He knows it!'.

​Everyone has lost their love, and they have sad and sour memories. ​Thinking that they could share it with each other will shorten the distance between you and  them, and you will be able to become a hook to talk about deeper love and shared values.

​When I go to the end of a second time meeting, I use it as a Must-Use talk technique.

​Talk example
​PUA: "You said that there is nothing recently (love affair), it is absolutely a lie."
​HB: "Really? Nothing at all."
​PUA: "No, I don't think ○ ○ will lose love. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT."
​HB: "What? It's not like that."
​PUA: "There is no reply from LINE, so you don't have to worry about it lol"
​HB: "I don't know."
​PUA: "Is that not true? LATELY..."

トーク 2





​「正直なところ、○○が相手だったら我慢できないかな (笑)」と答えたり、「そんな状況になれたら、絶対やります笑」と答えたりするHBは、 「男が好きなら、一夜限りの関係を築きたい。なの​で、良い雰囲気の中でアポイントを取り続け、何時間か続き、最後には良い気分でアタックをしていけば、そこへのスタートの流れが確認できる可能性が高い。



​もし、HBが少しシニカルで、ハンサムな俳優に対して少し拒否感があるなら、「♦♦はだめ?」 「できないわ。 」 「その場合、両方とも無理かな。」 「えへへ 」 「■■かっこいい。」 「でも、彼は年をとりすぎているわ。 」など。
それで、「じゃあ誰とだったらいい?」 「今言った人の中で、もし強制的に一人だけ!って言ったら誰?」で会話を始めることができる。

​会話を進めた後、「そもそもONS自体無理」と言われてもあきらめないように。​それでしたら、「どうしてONSはそんなに無理なのか?」という部分に強い女性の意思があるので、彼女の深い価値観や元彼、過去の恋愛遍歴などをフックで「そうなんですね。」 「過去に何かあった?笑」として聞こう。


​このように、今回のトークで彼女の好きな男 (タイプ) と貞操の好みのレベルが明らかになるので、そこで得た情報を元に、スピードを落とさずにすぐに攻撃するとか、彼女の理想に合う男になるためにゆっくり攻撃するなど、戦略を変えていこう。


​HB: 「○○○○かも」
​HB: 「どれくらい笑」
​HB: 「笑 何それ?​」
​HB: 「わからないわ。笑」
​PUA:「なにそれ笑 だったら誰だったら ONS OK?」 


居酒屋やバーの会話で、一気に女性との心理的距離を縮めることのできるトークを紹介しよう。まだ会って1-2回目の男女だが、会話の組み立て方次第で下手な知り合いよりも、私たちの方が心の距離が近い存在だと認識させることができ る。そのための解説と実例を紹介していく。


​恋愛系の質問では、「誰と付き合ってたの?」 「何人と付き合ったの?」 「一番長い関係は?」など具体的な質問が多い。それは彼女の理想の男性像を理解し、それに合わせた戦略を立てるために必要な情報だからだ。



「言ってることわかるよ。私もだ。」などのような話を男性からしてもらうことで、 「彼は分かってる!​」などと考えるようになる。



​PUA:「LINEからの返信がないって、心配にならなくていいんじゃないかな (笑)」

heartrending/[hɑ́ːrtrèndiŋ]ハートレンディング/形容詞/胸が張り裂けるような、やるせない /Lv.3

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