JP Street 1
Talk to a beautiful woman we like when we pass by on the street and make her stop and stop ignoring us.
This time, I would like you to take a look at the situation as she says "I can't go with you because I have a boyfriend."
PUA "Let's have some coffee or tea. I know very nice place. Even if you are busy today, I will make time in the weekend."
HB 'No, well, I have a boyfriend.'
PUA "Yeah. I'm not interested in a girl who doesn't have a boyfriend."
HB 'Yeah, but...'
PUA "Yeah. You have a boyfriend, don't you? It's proof that you're very attractive."
PUA "But just talk once. So if you don't like it, I just give up."
If there is a response, we go to Number Close.
If there is no response, leave the conversation as it is and go to the other topic.
First, it is important to sweep away in an instant the image of having a boyfriend is bad.
The main point of this talk is that we have no time, and that she is of course have a boyfriend and it is reasonable and no problem.
In fact, if we take the stern attitude that we don't care at all, we can create an opportunity to break down the traditional values of women. We shouldn't hesitate it.
Make sure we show "Having a boyfriend" is "It's not a big deal" attitude, and setting in our head the framework, and putting that meaning into our voice tone and expression. Please speak openly and clearly enough to clear women's traditional values.
Next, share the framework "I have a boyfriend" = "Attractive woman".
The point is not to be daunted at all, but to develop the conversation in an attitude and atmosphere that makes us happy for if she has a boyfriend. Usually, average men cannot do this. So if we can give it to her, we can convey the impression that we are the men who have strong confidence from women, and the persons of high caliber.
If we use this talk timidly, the effect will be halved, so train ourselves in a reflexive manner, without pausing.
Thirdly, it shows to her the possibility that we might be a greater person than her boyfriend.
PUA :「お茶しよう。とてもいいところを知っているよ。あなたが、今日忙しかったら、週末に時間を作るから。」
HB :「あ、だめなの、ボーイフレンドがいるので」
PUA : 「そうだろうな。彼氏がいないような女の子には興味がないよ。」
HB : 「ええ、でも...」
PUA :「もちろん。あなたには彼がいると。でもそれは、あなたがとても魅力的だという証拠だ。」
PUA :「でも一回だけ話そう。で、気に入らないなら、諦めるよ。」
traditional/伝統的な、伝説の、昔ながらの/tragic/[trǽdʒik]トラジック/形容詞/悲劇の、痛ましい、悲惨な、悲劇的な/Lv.1/traffic jam/名詞/交通渋滞、混雑・まひ]/Lv.1
southeastern/[sàuθíːstərn] サウスイースタン/形容詞/南東の(への・へ向かう・にある・に位置する・に面した・向きの)、南東部の、南東からの/Lv.3
timidly/[tímidli] ティミッドリ/副詞/こわごわ、臆病に/Lv.3
reflexive manner/反射的に