

Reforming 2
"Time doesn't matter."
Also, if you have someone who says, "I just met him." it's a good idea to acknowledge them once and tell them about the irrelevance of time. 
For example:
"Yes, I think it's fast in general. But isn't time a problem? We've come this far attracted to each other, so I don't think we'll be able to enjoy life if we're bound by strange stereotypes. Let's live freely."
There are things that can be overcome by persuading like this. "Timing , not  length."
Make sure that timing is more important than length.

You and her also often hear that timing is important in love, so we may find it easier than we think. Here's how to convince HBs :
"Timing is more important than how long we've known each other. I talked to you(her name), and I was already attracted, and I thought it would be a waste to wait any longer. We might even fall in love at first sight, so you'd better trust your instincts at any time."
"I want to know more about you(her name)."
For women who refuse to say "We just met. We don't know each other." it is also a technique to change their way of thinking and say, "have sex to get to know".
"It's true that I just met you(her name), so I don't know much. But that's why I want to know more. I want to have sex with you to know more each other.
and so on.

PATTERN 2 "I don't want to be with someone I'm not in love with."
It's hard to say no, to the word "I don't want to be with someone I'm not in love with." But there are some patterns where you can see the light by fighting without losing the will to fight.
"Sometimes I(or)you have sex and then l love him or her."
For people who value love and not in love, we may be able to overcome them by saying, "Sometimes we will like each other after having sex." indicating that you may like him in the future. The image looks like this:.
"Even if you don't like it now, we can have sex and fall in love with it, right? Then, isn't it worth trying? I think it's a happy thing to be able to have someone I like, and it's a waste to kill your potential."

This is the claim that "It doesn't matter whether you like it or dislike it when we have sex, we do it because it's fun.". Also, telling her that there is no risk of sex is more effective. For example:
"Sex is just a form of communication, so we shouldn't think too much about whether we love or not-in-love our partner. Sex is pleasant for everyone, so let's have fun. If we use a condom, there is no risk and there is only merit."

"I think you like...so is here."
Finally, it focuses on "Don't you really like it?"," Aren't you interested in it?". 
It depends on the place, but for example, if she is already at home, you can say something like this: 
"But if you're already here at home, don't you like it? I just don't know."
Or, if you two were in Karaoke room or other places, you can go like this:
"It's kind of you to go out with me like this, isn't it? Already I like you, and already you like me. If you raise your opponent's hurdle too much, you may not be happy forever."

 "We're not dating."
There are a certain number of girls who say, "I don't like it because I'm not dating." I will now introduce measures for this type of woman.
"Have you ever been out with some other men?"
Even if it is claimed that "we're not dating." Is it the real reason? Let's doubt it. "Haven't you ever have time with someone you don't always go out with?". 
In the first place, most of the women who have already come of age have at least one night experience. It is like this. 
"So you've only had sex with people you've dated in the past? If that's not the case, isn't it difficult to judge whether it's good or bad to have sex with someone other than your boyfriend? You have only one life, so let's have a lot of, different experiences."
Also, there is a high possibility of being lied by her when you listen to "Have you ever had sex, not a boyfriend?". So, observe the reaction of the HB well, and if it is suspicious, let's make a tease or react.
"There are not any rules to have sex with... who you don't go out with?"




パターン2 「愛してもいない人と一緒にいたくない」。
「もし今愛してなくても、セックスして好きになることはあるよね? それなら、試してみる価値はあるよね? 好きな人がいるのは幸せなことだと思うし、自分の可能性をつぶしてしまうのはもったいないよ。」



まず第一に、すでに成人した女性のほとんどは、少なくとも彼氏以外の人と一晩を過ごした経験がある。そんな感じだろう。それなら、「過去に付き合った人としかセックスしたことがないということじゃないよね? それなら、ボーイフレンド以外の人とセックスすることが良いか悪いか判断するのは難くない? ただし、人生は一度きりだから、いろいろな経験をしよう。」

