

Message from Vanguards 145
Once again about AMOG/AMOGing

Out Alpha - Integrate
Again you are bringing the party to the group, but in this instance it is clear that ignoring the AMOG is not going to make the persistent fucker go away. He just goes on and on and will not stop. Maybe at this point you just want to fuck him up, rip off his eyelids and leaving him rolling on the floor in pain. Or perhaps that's just me. Either way, don't. Try to bring him into the group, steer the topic towards things that the AMOG has some input on. I am not talking about bowing down to the AMOG here, but rather allowing him to have a good time in YOUR set. Are you addressing him enough? Asking him any questions? There will come a time to isolate the target, but first you must deal with this obstacle.

Out Alpha - Engage
Ok, so you measured up the situation and realized ignoring the fucktard isn't going to work and he seems to have no desire to play nice with others. Now you have to engage him, but playfully. Begin integrating him, whether he wants it or not, but now you can start throwing a few jokes at his expense out there. Is he an intern? Does he work at McDonalds? Is he wearing a shirt that just screams, "Fuck with me, I am a dork"? 

先駆者からの伝言 145


よく状況を見て判断してみたところ、そのバカを無視してもうまくいかないことに気づいた。また、彼は他人と仲良くする気がないようだった。今や、あなたは、彼をを引き込む必要がある。しかも、ふざけながらだ。彼が望んでいるかどうかにかかわらず、彼を統合し始める。しかも、そこでは、彼を犠牲にしながらだ。彼は実習生? 彼はマクドナルドで働いてる? 「俺に手を出すのか?俺はバカだ!」と叫ぶような文句が書いてあるシャツを着ている? などだ。

integration /[ìntəgrèiʃən]インテグレイション/名詞/統合、統一、溶け込み、融合、統合(融合)政策(過程)、積分、人格統合/Lv.3/integrity/[intégrəti]インテグリティ/名詞/誠実、正直、高潔、品位、完全(な状態)、完全性、全体性、インテグリティ/Lv.3
rip off/はぎ取る、略奪する、盗む、奪う、だます、だまし取る、料金を要求する、ぼる、搾取する、かもにする、たかる
McDonalds/McDonald's/マクードナルドゥ/固有名詞 /マクドナルド/Lv.3