Message from Vanguards 39
I rarely regret talking to women and making advances. I regret not being able to speak to them.
When we talk to women, it is important that we talk with confidence. It is important to speak with certainty, even when speaking with uncertainty. Then no one will doubt us. On the other hand, if we show a lack of confidence, the listener will think it's unclear and become uneasy. Even if it is true. And the scariest thing is, they think it's boring.
Is appearance important? It is true that women prefer men because of their good looks (For example, face, body shape, and clothing). But the ultimate test of a woman's choice of us (or KBF, Key Buying Factor) is whether we have the ability to move her heart and make her heart beat faster. Looks are not the final deciding factor.
Still, it's important to always keep our best appearance. Shiny anytime. Because we are a confident PUA and know that we are always being watched. It's only natural to be concerned about our appearance.
We must be careful when we leave a woman. The best way is to leave when the conversation is at its peak, when she enjoys spending time with us and laughs.
deciding factor/決定要因/decidedly/[disáididli]ディサイデッドリ/副詞/明らかに、きっぱりと/Lv.3