PUA Words&Phrases
Amog routine collection 2
PUA: haaa, GUY, hahah.. man, I can't keep up with you buddy, while I'm out you're like at home thinking this stuff up.. guy you are a JOKER man..
P.S.: For the record, I think that this whole thing is fucking lame. I'm just glad that I understand it now.
I remember being back in high-school and having these assholes using shit like this on me, and I have to say that just understanding the format well enough to be able to out-alpha anyone is awesome (combined obviously with that I can remove their chicks from them, if not totally then at least get them obviously wanting to within around 1 minute which the AMOGS fucking hate).
I think that the main benefit is that you never have to feel like somebody, intruder, in a public gathering is going to make you feel like shit or embarrass you, because you can cut them down faster and harder than anything that they can do to you.
Thanks Craig. That reminds of me the classic "Hey, when I'm talking to you I'll point my finger at you" from your Eliminate. I used that tonight and the HB 10 was lovingly all over it.
「Amog routine collection=アルファ・メール排除のためのルーティーン集」
PUA: うわあああああ。おい、俺はお前についていけないよ。俺がいない間、お前は家でこんなことばかりを考えているようなもんだ。お前は冗談を言う男なんだな。
by TD
追伸: 念のために言っておくと、私はこういうすべてのことが時代遅れでダサいと思う。今だからわかるが、わかってよかった。
> formally/フォーマリ/副詞/正式に、公式に、儀式張って、堅苦しく、形式上、形式的に、礼儀正しく/Lv.2
intruder/[intrúːdər]イントルーダー/名詞/侵入者、邪魔者/Lv.2/intrusion/[intrúːʒən]イントルージョン/名詞 /侵入、不法占有、嵌入、貫入/intrude/[intrúːd]イントルード/侵入する、~を割り込ませる、付け加える、貫入する、押し入る、立ち入る、邪魔をする /Lv.2
lovingly/ラヴィングリ/ 副詞 /かわいがって、愛情を込めて、優しく、心を込めて/Lv.2
all over it / 興味を示す、関心が高い